The 4 steps of a successful lawyer

The transition from student to professional life can be a complicated process. It is common to hear the concern of recently graduated professionals when facing the difficulty of attracting clients or finding a job in a Law tutors. There is even a paradoxical situation: young professionals seek experience to develop themselves but law firms are only interested in lawyers with already acquired experience.

To resolve this situation, it is necessary to make yourself known, market yourself. It is clear that the best marketing is exceptional customer service. But what do you do when you have not had the opportunity to serve clients to demonstrate the quality of the service?

This questioning is what motivates this editorial. Starting from the approach: How to attract clients?, 4 key steps are presented to begin the construction of one of the most important assets of any service company: its clients.

Customer acquisition, also known as Rainmaking, is an art. As such, it must be learned. In this edition, based on multiple books and articles, four essential elements are proposed to achieve effective Rainmaking.


Credibility is the cornerstone for attracting customers. This must be built on two main axes, credibility as a professional and credibility as a person.

As a professional, credibility is achieved with training. The lawyer must demonstrate to his colleagues in the profession that he is at his level, that he has the knowledge and tools, theoretical and technical, to perform his work with excellence. Experience must be added to this knowledge, this is not acquired over the years, it is acquired with the work done; Therefore, to develop professional experience it is necessary to work as much as possible. In this process it is important to have adequate direction, so having a mentor is highly recommended.

As for credibility as a person, it is a question of integrity and consistency. In many cases, the lawyer becomes a partner of his clients, he becomes a trustworthy, integrated and reliable person.


An excellent legal professional once said “the habit does not make the monk… but it distinguishes him.” As a professional, when entering a meeting for example, his image should project that he is the lawyer, not the owner. This is why on certain occasions casual Friday is not recommended, much less other casual days.

Furthermore, if you want the office to stand out in a particular branch, it is necessary to reflect it, project it without the need for words. For example, if you were dedicated to commercial matters, the office and its image must evoke a commercial environment; If you are dedicated to renewable energy issues, recycle in your office, show the ways in which you make your energy consumption more efficient. In short, your image must convey a clear message that allows the client to associate it with the profession and, if possible, with the particular issues that you address.


This is the most important point of all. The main elements of service in the exercise of the legal profession should be, mainly, integrity, the establishment of clear rules and the search for client peace of mind; Differentiate the output (the legal results in favor of the client) from the outcomes that the client really receives (trust, peace of mind, etc.).

Regarding integrity, the lawyer must advise the client in a professional and responsible manner; The priority is not to charge for a service to make money, but to fulfill the commitment that has been made with the client.

The integrity of the professional generates loyalty in the client; Rather than charging for work done, it is better to keep a client who will bring more work. Finally, the caveat must be made that not all people who seek the services or to whom it is highly recommended.

As for clear rules, there are three essential elements that the client needs to be fully aware of, these are: times, risks and fees and expenses.

Finally, the result of good service is customer peace of mind. When he can rest easy because he knows that his lawyer will take care of his affairs, then good service has been delivered. This shows that the lawyer is the client’s trusted person, and as such he must honor him with the same constancy.


In an article it was published that, for a lawyer, “out of sight” equals “out of mind.” That is, if a lawyer wants the client to think about him for his legal services, this must be present in his mind, not daily, but he must remember it.

This is achieved through extraordinary service that transcends what was requested and exceeds expectations, then consistency is added, which distinguishes it from the rest.

In this way, a reputation is established that spreads through referrals from third parties, finally achieving the positioning of the professional and his or her brand.

On the other hand, professional positioning is reinforced by being present in the media, attending conferences, teaching courses, publishing articles, having a presence in directories, among others.

5 reasons to hire a DJ on your wedding day

Don’t you dare to hire a DJ? Fear not, it’s actually a very good idea! Today we give you 5 reasons to decide on a DJ to liven up your wedding reception wedding bands south wales, you will surely agree with us. Know these factors and decide to work with the experts we present to you.

  1. All the genres of music you like
    One of the most beautiful aspects of having a DJ at your wedding is the ability to listen to exactly the music you like . It doesn’t matter if it’s a ballad, indie , band or alternative music, a DJ gives you the opportunity to listen to the music you’re looking for, without having to be limited by instruments or vocal ability. In Pereira , you have the DJ Silver specialist , a company recognized for its musical quality and talent. With them you are guaranteed an unforgettable show , the latest technology and lots and lots of fun.
  2. Good price
    DJs usually charge less than a live band, so you can opt for this option if you have a tight budget for your wedding. Discover the 6 things you will always remember about your wedding.
  3. One clue after another
    A good DJ will make sure not to leave the party for even a second without music. No awkward silence will fill your wedding reception and best of all, it will create the perfect atmosphere depending on the occasion: music to lift your spirits, dance or let guests recharge. This is the case of DJ Silver , one of the most relevant entertainment companies in the City of Pereira . Their experience in hosting events guarantees you the best atmosphere throughout your celebration. Have no doubt that with them you are choosing an innovative, different and global quality service .
  4. Less space, more fun
    A DJ doesn’t need as much equipment as a live band, so you can cross that concern off your list. Instead of planning the space that each band member’s instruments will use, the dance floor can be the protagonist and this means more fun and of course, a more memorable wedding!
  5. Music just as you remember it
    If you love the classics of the 80s and 90s you won’t have to listen to them in versions other than your favorites. Even if the band you hire is the best at performing covers, the reality is that they will never be able to match the original song. With a DJ you can sing your favorite tracks at the top of your lungs, in the company of your wedding bridesmaids, and make sure you don’t lose your intonation. Discover how to choose the playlist for your wedding.

Street Dogs in Nepal | Animal Welfare Nepal | Oxsa Nepal

Oxsa Nepal is an NGO that started 15 years ago with the unconditional love for street dogs in nepal. We have been providing food, shelter, and health supplies to the strays located at Jwagal, Lalitpur. Moreover, our home has been serving as the shelter to more than 50 dogs, cats, birds from the past 15 years best family pets.

The journey started long ago and the founder of Oxsa Nepal, Ms. Raina Byanjankar, inherited the legacy of her parents. The family shares an undying love for the voiceless and needy. No matter how many strays they adopt and bring home, it’s never enough for them.

It all started with Oxsa, a German Shepherd that was growing up with Ms. Byanjankar. Oxsa was never an animal to the family and they loved her like a daughter. Raina and Oxsa would do many things together and shared the precious bond of sisterhood. However, their bond didn’t last long as Oxsa’s story came to an end. The whole family was shattered and completely devastated.

A major part of their lives had gone missing and soon enough Oxsa Nepal was founded with an idea to help the strays. The Byanjankar family started feeding the stray dogs around their area, Jwagal (Lalitpur). Even though they provide shelter to over 50 dogs, cats, and birds, the family has never stopped feeding the strays around their area.

Oxsa Nepal is more than a foundation – it’s the home of emotions and feelings for the voiceless animals. It is also involved in rescue and treatment of the needy ones. Moreover, it helps the strays find a loving and caring home. Besides these, Oxsa Nepal is actively involved in raising awareness among people to help the stray animals.

For the foundation, these voiceless animals are all they have and in most ways, the same implies to the strays. Greatest believers of the phrase “If not us, then who?”, Oxsa Nepal continues to exhibit a selfless act of love and care. While you are spending your time reading this, Oxsa Nepal is feeding a stray somewhere.

Oxsa Nepal runs different campaigns to help stray animals. Imagine not being able to express hunger or thirst. It sounds difficult to us yet these animals go through this every day.

Every animal has the right to live happily with love and care just like human beings. Our aim is to reach out and help these voiceless strays in sadness and pain. Our mission is to advance with the protection and welfare of stray animals. To raise awareness against the inhumane treatment of street dogs in Nepal, and enhance the human-animal bond. We aim to create a world where street dogs and animals can coexist with human beings free of chaos and suffering. Our top priority is Animal care, We improve the quality of food and shelter for the street dogs in Nepal and we feed all strays in our area. We also promote adoption over perchance and also encourage people to give a place in their heart for these street animals so that they can get a second chance in life.

The Best Way to Determine Good BBQ

Going to a barbecue restaurant in Texas, especially BBQ in Allen Texas, is an experience. Their reputation is hanging on multiple factors that picky Texan’s hold dear to their hearts Authentic French Raclette.

And think about it: if the bbq joint has great bbq, the customers are happy, and then they become loyal customers. They tell their friends about it, and those friends tell their friends, and then before you know it the restaurant is an institution.

So how do you find a place like this? First, it’s all about the flavor. Does it taste like someone pulled it off the grill and dropped it on the plate in front of you? That’s very important for authentic Texas bbq, and definitely something to look for. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

A good restaurant has bbq specials and tasty side dishes for bbq brisket. That also means the restaurant you’re looking at should have created their own, homemade recipes. Extra points if they are family recipes passed down for generations. These tried and true recipes stand the test of time and always outshine any kind of new deal going on at other restaurants. A variety of traditional bbq meats and sides will guarantee a perfect Texan dinner.

Another thing to look at the products. Are they so popular that they have t-shirts? Bottled barbecue sauce? Recipe books? Seasoning blends? Hats? Place mats? Bumper stickers? Do you see these outside of store? As in, are people loving this barbecue restaurant so much that they must buy a bumper sticker or a hat? Are people practically walking advertisement for this establishment? If you’ve noticed it, or at least the need for it inside the restaurant, then this is a good sign you’re in a place that has the best bbq in the town.

The last thing to look for is the location. Is it easy to see and walk to from the road? Or is it hidden it the back? Older places will tend to be more in the back, and act as a little tight lipped secret around the town. Places closer to the road are going to be more often than not chains, but not always. Look at the location of their parking and how full it is at all times of day. If one parking lot is full while the other isn’t, you’ll have a pretty great idea on which restaurant is the best one to choose from.

Five tips about alternative medicine

Combining spiritual and healing techniques with conventional medicines and treatments can be a very powerful combination. “We still have a lot of work to do to fully understand how Latinos use complementary and alternative medicine,” says Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, professor of medicine and director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture at the UCLA School of Medicine Rapé.

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“ Most of these herbs have been used for generations but their use is not without risks. Combining these popular remedies with conventional medicine can offer benefits for some patients,” adds the expert.

If you are considering using herbal medicine, here are tips on how to minimize your risks.

1-Remember that even if a product is “natural”, it does not mean it is safe. There are plants (such as nightshade and some mushrooms) that are very poisonous. Some herbs and supplements may harm you if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, awaiting surgery, or taking prescription medications for a serious or chronic illness.

2-Do not mix prescribed medications and herbs by yourself. Herbal medicines can decrease the effectiveness of some prescription medicines, as well as increase the effect of others. This may lead you to take medicines that are more or less powerful than you really need. For example, garlic may increase the blood thinning of anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications, and increase the effects of certain diabetes medications. Garlic can also decrease the effect of birth control pills. Therefore, talk to the doctor who prescribed these medications before mixing them with herbal products.

3-Look for a certified practitioner. It is important that you seek an expert herbalist since not all parts of a plant produce the same effects. For example, tea made from saw palmetto probably has no medicinal effect, since the active compound in this plant does not dissolve in water. In the same way, different parts of an herb can produce different effects. Dandelion leaf can be used as a diuretic but the root has a laxative effect. Remedies made from sassafras root can contain safrole, a highly cancerous ingredient, and even those that say “safrole-free” can contain it and be dangerous.

4-Be skeptical of private label supplements. Doctors and health practitioners who try to sell you their own brand products can be problematic. When these products are sold as a business by the same person who prescribes them, it creates a conflict of interest for the doctor and puts pressure on patients to buy them. For these reasons, the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American College of Physicians (ACP) advise that if doctors decide to distribute health products without a prescription, they should do so free of charge. or at cost. This removes the temptation for personal gain that could interfere with the doctor’s objectivity and clinical judgment.

5-Consider consulting a doctor specialized in integrative medicine. “Integrative medicine is a holistic or comprehensive treatment method, based on clinical evidence, in which the cultural traditions of the patients are taken into account and used as part of their treatment,” says Dr. Mosquera. This discipline has gained traction over the years and is already practiced in some of the leading medical colleges in the country.


The soul is the being, the “I” that inhabits the body and acts through it. The soul would become the essence of people. Without the soul it is like a lamp without electricity, a computer without the software. With the introduction of the soul, the body acquires life, vision and hearing, thought and speech, intelligence and emotions, will and desire, personality and identity Kambo Training.

Soul awakening occurs when you allow feeling and intuition to guide you. Life is a process through which your soul has the opportunity to transform into experience what it really is. Feeling and intuition are some of your guides.

These tips are for you to put into practice daily, in a conscious way, so you will awaken your soul and connect with your Higher Self.

15 Tips to awaken the soul

  1. Always be grateful: When you are a grateful person your mind focuses on what you have and not on what you lack. Just as you can have a thousand reasons to be sad, you have more than a thousand reasons to be grateful. If you have a roof over your head, hot food waiting for you at home, a bed to sleep in, you are a very lucky person.
  2. Friendship with your history: Accepting yourself as you are, accepting that everything you have experienced has turned you into the person you are today, this is how you will heal your wounds. Don’t be foolish trying to modify something that already IS the way it is.
  3. Practice detachment in all its forms: Everything is temporary, momentary. You cannot control the disappearance, death or extinction of people or objects. Accepting this fact takes a great weight off your shoulders.
  4. Practice compassion: Compassion is a powerful virtue. If you are compassionate with yourself and with others you will have advanced in your spiritual evolution. You must be interested in others and be willing to help with the means at your disposal, even if it is just with a kind word or just listening when that person needs to talk.
  5. Be humble: Remember that you are not your last name, your clothes, your car, the position you hold or the money you have. Although you are a unique being, you also share unity with all beings and the universe.
  6. Be optimistic: Optimism can make you healthier, happier and can prolong your life. Optimists could regulate stress better. The Army teaches it to increase mental toughness in soldiers.
  7. Stay patient and tolerant in the face of adversity: Patience is the “science of peace” is to trust with serenity that in the end, everything will turn out well and if it goes wrong, you will learn and something good will come out of it. Patience is waiting with peace, it is enduring a delay or an annoying situation without complaints.
  8. Meditate: Meditating can increase happiness, meaning in life, social support and attention span, while reducing anger, anxiety and fatigue. It could also stimulate empathy, and can help us with stress, depression and memory.
  9. Grant Forgiveness to everyone: Do not poison your heart with hatred or resentment. Learn to tame your dragons. The one who gets damaged is always yourself and meanwhile the world continues to spin and while you get sick.
  10. Nobody, not even life , takes anything away from you: It is important to understand that everything you lost or that left your life has a reason for being, it frees you to go lighter and to learn lessons, or simply to make room for when something better comes along.
  11. Try not to suffer, it is a waste of time: Choose to enjoy the simple things in life like a sunset, listening to music or birds singing, instead of regretting what you “think” you are missing.
  12. Fall in love with Life: This life is not simple, however, love everything that the Universe contains, from a small caterpillar to an imposing tree. Be passionate about your today, your tomorrows, your afternoons and your nights. Love life!
  13. Take care of nature: The planet is our home, take care of it for yourself and for future generations. Nature gives without measure, you give everything too.
  14. Show your love with actions: Love others by showing them consideration, carrying out simple but important tasks to offer them a little rest and happiness. Love is shown with actions, not with words.

15 Don’t be afraid of death: Understand that death does not exist as we have been led to believe or as we imagine it. What we call “death” is just a change, a move to a much better place.

Sounds that heal: all about massages with Tibetan bowls

Massage with Tibetan bowls is a therapy that uses sound waves to heal our body and provide it with countless benefits breathwork.

The origin of these instruments dates back to more than 2,000 years ago, but their use is becoming more popular every day. Today we tell you a little more about this ancient technique and its advantages.

A little history
Little is known for certain about the origin of Tibetan bowls. The first records about them date back to more than 2,000 years ago, when they were used as musical instruments to animate rituals or even in cooking, as it was believed that their metallic composition impregnated food with beneficial minerals. They also served as an offering to the gods, which is why their sound had to be pure and universal.

These bowls proliferated especially in the area located at the foot of the Himalayas – in India, Nepal and Tibet – but countries like Thailand and Japan have made them an element of their culture. Originally they were made of an alloy that combined gold, silver, bronze, zinc, nickel, iron and antimony. Nowadays, although there are also quartz ones, those made of silver, gold, mercury, tin, lead, copper and iron are more popular. Only the name remains of Tibet, since most are manufactured in India and Nepal.

The therapy
Tibetan bowl therapy uses sound to heal our body and provide it with numerous benefits. The patient lies on a stretcher with his eyes closed and bowls are placed around him, which the therapist hits and rubs to produce a harmonious range of sounds.

This technique of the principle of resonance, according to which a more intense and harmonic vibration infects a weaker one; That is, it is based on the ability of one frequency to modify another.

Advantages and benefits for your body
The benefits of massages with Tibetan bowls on our body are innumerable. They produce a healing and relaxing effect that translates into a feeling of unity: body, mind and spirit work in harmony, increasing well-being and providing great inner peace. Therefore, they are widely used in meditation. But the advantages of this type of massage are many more:

  • They release muscular and nervous tensions.
  • They promote balance between the two hemispheres of the brain.
  • They help work on aspects such as creativity, intuition or concentration.
  • Your energy levels increase.
  • They avoid insomnia and hyperactivity problems.
  • They improve physical mobility and relieve pain.
  • They can cause the destruction of cancer cells and the cure of different diseases.

DUI Attorney to Stay Out of Jail

When the police pull you over the last thing you hope happens is that you end up in jail. But that is exactly what can happen if you have imbibed too much alcohol. The penalties can be severe in fines and restitution but by far the most disdained is the risk of spending time in jail. Unfortunately, for drivers there are some mandatory statutes that insist upon incarceration for offenders of these statutes for anywhere from a couple days to years Chicago criminal lawyer. Fortunately for those accused the assistance of a DUI attorney can ensure that you do not have to spend time locked up for your crime.

Driving under the influence is a serious offense but it does not need to negatively impact one’s life in so many different ways. In fact there are solutions and a competent and knowledgeable DUI attorney should be able to help defend you and negotiate a plea of else the dismissal of charges entirely. Certainly if you are facing a serious crime like this he will be able to reduce the severity of the penalty in a way that it is more manageable. While there are some mandatory rules on what must happen there are ways of mitigating the more extensive punishments suggested by the prosecution.

Hopefully, a DUI attorney will be able to convince the judge and opposing counsel that community service, fines, and a substance abuse class will be sufficient to fully chastise the behavior that led to the arrest. If it is not possible to negotiate away all jail time at least a settlement for fewer days incarcerated should be possible.

In a best case scenario a DUI attorney will not only reduce the punishments meted out but also a reduction in charges. Driving under the influence is very bad in the eyes of future employers, insurance companies, and can bar you from entrance into some countries. Fortunately after talking with your legal representation it can be possible to find a potentially more minor crime to plead guilty to in exchange for agreement to accept a certain level of punishment.

Choosing a DUI attorney should not be left to chance. If at possible look for a lawyer with knowledge and experience specifically in this field. They will be the best resource for navigating this difficult and confusing time. Hopefully they will know the nuances of the law in the area and be able to do whatever is possible to make the outcome as just and fair as is possible. He will be able to use a number of techniques from character references to probation to ensure that his client is treated with as much respect as is possible and hopefully can spend as much time as possible free from incarceration.

How Different Taxes Forms Can Be Easily Filed?

Companies need to file taxable income after processing within a stipulated time. Late payment would lead to penalty which is much higher than the actual amount. This is why the companies need to process the taxable and pay quickly to avoid penalty. But, it is not at all easy to bring out the exact taxable income due to complicated process. This is why the companies are hiring taxation experts to process the form and file to internal revenue service immediately tax penalty. The tax process or filing processes can be delayed by using traditional method in this process. This is why the companies are using processing software to find out exact income within a short time. Using online media in tax filing enables taxpayers to process their forms quickly. Further, it is easy, cheap, and faster than traditional method available in the market. This is why more than 75% of taxpayers are using online tax filing in US now.

New company faces a daunting task of completing form filing after processing the taxable income. The companies are not used to of filing bulk form within a short time and accurately. The problems will be even worse if it is done through traditional method. There is no chance of making correction and even a slight mistake in form can make it rejected in IRS. To avoid such problem, taxpayers are using online media during the tax filing. File form 1098 online to show mortgage statement of company occurred during a year. To run the business, company takes money from financial institute by mortgaging properties with a fixed interest to be paid at the end of a year. The form is also helpful to file tax return by the companies from government immediately.

The new company coming to manufacture and promote product requires skilled professionals to carry out the work effectively. This is due to the work of professionals that long term growth and development occurs in the company. The company pays remuneration to the employees in return of their contribution towards the development of the firm. File w-2 online to show statement of tax-wage statement immediately. It enables the companies to show the total taxable income easily without any hindrance which comes in traditional method. This is why the companies are using this process of filing the taxes immediately.

Apart from the regular remuneration, the employees are paid special privileges by the companies during their employment period. The different miscellaneous income paid to employees by companies is social security, medical insurance, award, renting, and crop insurance. The total amount of miscellaneous income provided to employees during the year need to be reported to IRS immediately. This is why the companies are filing 1099 misc form to show miscellaneous income immediately. Companies can also file the form by outsourcing the work to the taxation expert available in the market. But, the taxation experts should be IRS certified and follow latest taxation rule. Provide the complete transaction detail to process and find out the taxable income immediately. A confirmation email is send to taxpayers after completion of filing. Take help of our taxation expert in filing the form immediately at affordable price of market.

Cloning Tools Of Photoshop

Cloning in Adobe Photoshop is an important skill to learn. The real trick, is that there are more options you can use, than just the Clone Stamp Tool. You can choose from the Patch tool, Healing Brush, or the Spot Healing Brush. The Content Aware and Vanishing Point tools are also available. Let’s take a look at these in some detail, now that I have brought them to your attention.

Not knowing when to use the right tools can sometimes cause more damage than good. If you have never tried anything but the clone stamp, you are really missing out. You should really watch some tutorials and bring your skills up to par.

If you are new to Adobe Photoshop for a long time, you should learn how to use each of the tools can benefit you. Some work better than others, and you will learn by trial and error. Ideally, you should make sure you are watching new, and updated Photoshop CS5 tutorials. If you watch an older video for CS3 or CS4, then you will me missing out on the new features Photoshop CS5 has to offer.

Clone Stamp Tool – The Clone Stamp, or Rubber Stamp Tool, was the first cloning tool introduced. This places you, the retoucher, in completely in control of the retouching. It takes years to truly master the art. However, there is little this tool can not do.

Spot Healing Brush – The Spot Healing Brush Tool can remove unwanted dirt from an image. This brush will create sample from the pixels around it, mixing the color and texture. This brush works wonders on predictable areas, like gradients. Unfortunately, of you anywhere near another textured area, you will definitely start picking up unwanted patterns.

Healing Brush – The Healing Brush tool is another tool that allows you to remove dirt or other blemishes. This tool allows allows you to select your own sample area. Photoshop will then blend the sampled areas together.

Patch Tool – The Patch Tool corrects the image using a sampled area. This is a combination of the Lasso and the Healing Brush. By keeping the color and texture behind, this tool does an amazing job.

Content Aware Fill – The Content Aware Fill is about altering, modifying, or otherwise masking objects in a selected area. Since this tool is completely automated, you have little control over the resulting corrections.

Vanishing Point – The Vanishing Point Filter is used to clone in perspective. Once you lay out the grid, you can then, quite easily, clone in 3-D space. It works along a dimensional plane, and is great for architectural needs.

Knowing some of the Adobe Photoshop Cloning Tools is not enough. The job is too important, you should know about everything at your disposal. These tools all have strengths and weaknesses. To become a fully skilled retoucher, you really need to learn how to use all the tools.

Please take a serious look at our 1 hour and 40 minute Extended Video Tutorial on Cloning. There, you will find all the basic skills needed to master these tools. Additionally, you will get all the tips and tricks we have discovered, that can be applied on every single image you work on.

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Accounting vs. Bookkeeping: What’s the Difference?

If you’re in a small business, it’s important to understand the difference between bookkeeping and accounting. Bookkeeping is an administrative function that keeps track of your transactions. Accounting on the other hand is more detailed and includes things like income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow analysis (not just day-to-day transactions). Knowing which one to use can be tricky; this blog post will help clear up any confusion!

What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?

Bookkeeping is the process of tracking your everyday transactions and activities. Accounting, on the other hand, analyzes these same transactions to provide an accurate financial statement for your company. The major difference between bookkeeping and accounting comes in how they compile information about a business’ finances:

Bookkeeping is primarily concerned with managing day-to-day transactions and generating reports of cash-in and cash-out.

Accounting, on the other hand, is responsible for compiling these transactions into financial statements that provide a detailed overview of your company’s finances from month to month or year to year.

What do you need for your business?

No matter what your end objective is, the process will always need to start with bookkeeping. Bookkeeping tabulates the sales and expenses and takes the records (that may or may not be in a disorganized pile) and creates organized and accurate reports.

After you’ve gone through the process of categorizing, sorting, and reporting your bookkeeping information, it’s time to turn to accounting.

Accounting can vary in complexity – while every business will need to file their end-of-the-year reports for tax purposes – outside of this reporting requirement every business will have different requirements.

How to select your professionals?

Depending on the size of your business and the transaction volume you may or may not need a full-time bookkeeper (or team of bookkeepers) on staff. The volume of transactions is as important to this need is more important than the total volume. A business can do a million dollars in sales on one invoice, or thousands of invoices.

A bookkeeper is someone you will work closely with, and they should be a fit within your business culture. This person can be an employee, freelancer, or, business management agency.

Your accountant is a key member of your team, and experience and knowledge are critical. Remember, the cost vs. benefit discussion from a past post? This applies here also. A sole proprietor business will not have the same requirements as a seven-figure corporation, and therefore does not require the same professional. Connect with a few different people to determine what qualities you value most, and who will be the best fit for your business.

Can the same company do both?

Absolutely! A qualified professional should be able to provide a complete package of services that will bring your bookkeeping and accounting needs together. This is what you’re looking for because the best professionals in this field know how they can help streamline processes and make it easier for you as an owner.

Bookkeeping and accounting are two different functions in your small business. Bookkeeping is the process of tracking your everyday transactions and activities, while accounting analyzes these same transactions to provide an accurate financial statement for your company. Whether you’re looking for a bookkeeper or accountant, it’s important to find someone who can help streamline processes and make things easier on you as an owner.

what is do follow social bookmarking and why to use them?

the article discusses about the dofollow social bookmarking advantages

Most importantly why do we need a social bookmarking site? As the name recommends we require a social bookmarking website to bookmark our most loved pages, destinations, articles or any fascinating things we discover on the web. We begin labeling all these fascinating things online yet not on our neighborhood machine. We can get to them later utilizing whatever other machine or offer with companions as well.


What is dofollow?


The most paramount utilization of a social bookmarking site is that the clients hold returning for any overhauls all the time. A large portion of them permit clients to have a backlink to their site. Be that as it may if the nature of the content is bad, clients may not returned again therefore losing the significant activity. This brought about bookmarking pages to lose their significant connection juice advantage to different pages. This additionally brought about losing page rank quality and so forth.


Here, there are fundamentally two sorts of backlinks permitted to be posted in any content.


1) Nofollow


2) Dofollow


On account of dofollow, the site teaches Google bot to creep the backlink once more to its inception. Along  these  lines the focused on page gets significant connection juice advantage. However here there is one issue. In the event that the site permits each client to connection again to their pages independent of the nature of the content, this will extraordinarily lessen the general advantage to the site. Since backlinks to the awful pages will consume up the notoriety of the facilitating site. So over the period, social bookmarking destinations began perceiving the way that all the backlinks of the site do not indicate back the great pages just yet to the terrible pages as well. They found that at last they are losing the estimation of the site. So they chose to make all backlinks from their site as nofollow with the goal that backlink profit won’t be imparted once again to different pages. Along  these  lines they are not missing out any connection juice to whatever other pages.




  • you have an alternative permitting the bookmarking site to draw your current bookmarks from your machine and exchange them to their site. This makes it simple to get your most loved destinations online without a considerable measure of dull make up for lost time work.


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The Human Security Approach Would Contribute to Building Sustainable Peace for States and for the Global Level

The fundamental components of the human security approach are the protection of individuals against threats to life, health, livelihood, personal safety, and human dignity. The concept of human security is people-centered and it transmits attention of security from the state level to individuals also empowers people and societies as a means of security. According to numerous researches, the human security approach has referent objects of people, communities, and state which ensure the security of human rights/development, protection of individual security including the freedom to make choice through freedom from fear and want, and dignity. Whereas traditional state security models including realism, neo-realism, liberation failed to meet all requirements to secure individuals, and the international community because of their limited referent objects, values, perception of threat, and practical instrument to protect. So, there are a huge number of debates to prioritization of security approach to building sustainable peace for local and international communities. To take several studies in point on inclusive human security, the focus on the military in the state security the policy does not offer the best strategy to build a sense of sustainable peace for the universal human community but rather gives importance to the military which insists on power mobilization. In other words, traditional ideas concerning security in a global context parallel to threats to the state and military defense, but these ideas are emergent to new characterizations of threats to include education, food, conflict, disease, environmental change, economic crisis, and mental health (United Nations, 2013). As Alkire (2003) mentioned that “Human security is people-centered, not threat-centered. Human security is a condition that results from an effective political, economic, social, cultural, and natural environment, and not from executing a set of administrative procedures (p. 3)”. In practice, work inspired by the human security approach has been undertaken both at the policy level and at the level of the community, by NGOs, by UN agencies, by academics, and by other development institutions.

The objectives of the human security approach are to protect the vital core of people’s lives from critical and pervasive threats. In fact, when we ponder of human insecurity, it may automatically be associated with the infinite domains of security based on individual’s perspectives and vital cores however, as per the UNDP report 1994, typically human security is associated with seven domains (i.e., economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community and political). In this hypothesis, it will be revealed the main objectives to accomplish the fundamental elements of human security such as, people-centered by emphasizing people are to be the ultimate ends but not means, perspectives are multidimensional by addressing people’s dignity as well as their material and physical concerns and consider poverty and inequality as the root causes of individual vulnerability. Throughout my analysis, I have observed that no other aspect of the security model is as vital as human security from violence and fear from freedom as such, sustainable peace repose on the teamwork of international communities and the people-centered focus of human security instead of state-focused security. Through examining traditional and human security-oriented approaches to various threats, I have strong-minded that human security is an essential component of the policy that seeks to promote sustainable peace and lets people live in freedom from violence. As such, I believe that the human security approach would measurably contribute to building a more sustainable peace because of its fundamental characteristics such as universal, people-centered, interdependent, and early prevention. Moreover, as human security is a person-centered approach that is inclusive and more significantly, flexible which also addressing the root causes of humanitarian emergencies (economic, food, health, environmental, personal, community, and political) is a more functioning way to resolve issues and protect the long-term security of individuals. As Tadjbakhsh and Chenoy (2007) state that “human security has a long history and derives its strength from many ideas and theories across disciplines. It can develop as a concept only by maintaining and advancing this plurality (p. 93)”. In the succeeding paper, analyzing several types of research done by numerous experts in the respective field, it will be revealed that how a human security approach would be a realistic option for the state and for the international organization to build more sustainable peace for the global community.

It has been established that human security, human rights and human development are interconnected which recognizes the conditions that threaten survival and dignity, such as poverty, environmental degradation, etc. As such, human security becomes a prerequisite of human development and a guarantee for its sustainability. Also, human development is a necessary pre-condition of human security because sources of insecurity stem from lack of development. As Tadjbakhsh and Chenoy (2007) state that “if human development is about well-being, human security concentrates on the security of development gains. This enhanced concept of human security brings a number of new elements within the human development debate” (p. 105). The authors argued that “the denial of fundamental human rights [is] the main reason for human insecurity (p. 123)”. The human security approach would be helpful to enhance the development discourse in a positive means, as such, if states increase individual security, development initiatives will be able to look beyond basic human needs such as food, education, environment, etc. and better prepare for future endeavors that may threaten the people. According to Hampson et. al, “after tracing the distinct roots of human security – in human rights, in sustainable development, and in the safety of the peoples – they argue that human security in all instances is regarded as an “underprovided public good (Alkire, 2003, p.16)”. Besides, Futamura et. al (2010) suggested that “human security-based initiatives expand the idea of peacebuilding beyond simply containing conflict and introducing the democratic policy in order to focus on development, welfare and local engagement (p.1)”. Several studies have proved that efforts in human security and development work on helping people become more self-sufficient and capable, through work such as literacy, arts, and practical education programs. A successful example of the human security approach to building sustainable peace can be found in the following case study which is based on lessons from the joint program conducted by the UN agencies including UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, and UNODC on “Conflict prevention, development of agreements and peacebuilding for internally displaced persons in Chiapas, Mexico”. As per the SDGF report (02 Oct 2009 – 28 Feb 2013), in 1994 clash between the Mexican State and the Zapatista resulted in tens of thousands of people being driven off their land and they had gone through lots of basic problems to survive including poverty, medical and education services. They also had been provoked from social protection as well as access to the justice system. In fact, throughout this UN joint program, the majority of the displaced persons from the north of Chiapas were directly benefited in various manners including legal systems, educations, health, addiction, and infrastructures. To access to fair justice system there was a promotional activity for the Law on Internal Displacement in 5 municipalities and 25 communities. Also, under this joint program, they arranged practical training for both the state administrations and the law enforcement agencies to focus on impartial enforcement and the pursuit of justice. To promote a stable peace, an innovative educational program including the creation of a diploma in the culture of peace and multiculturalism has been conducted based on art, sports, activities at schools and educational institutions for the displaced and helpless people in more than 25 localities of the intervention in the Ocosingo, Sabanilla, Tila, Salto de Agua, and Tumbala municipalities. In addition, as part of the joint project by the Centre for Training and Advice in Environment and in Health Rights, in the Salto de Agua municipality, and Foro A.C. in the Tila municipality-provided technical supports to build 1546 infrastructure projects for the homeless people.

According to the SDGF report (02 Oct 2009 – 28 Feb 2013), there were also some significant progress, achievement, and recognition of this UN joint program as the following:

The joint program made significant progress in achieving changes in attitude and in the acquisition of technical skills from public ministries, social advocates, experts, and state and municipal police who have jurisdiction and cover a total population of 1,806,635 inhabitants (p. 4)”. The sustainability of actions in the educational sector is highly likely to have a permanent effect (in terms of knowledge and awareness of teachers) over time. Regular courses on the prevention of drug use, crime, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and gender violence were run. More than 6,000 people benefitted from these courses. Alongside this, workshops were organized which involved 360 adolescents: two focused on the prevention of addiction, and four on the prevention of gender-based violence. 35 teachers (Ch’ol and Tzeltalt) from the Ocosingo, Tila, and Salto de Agua regions participated in delivering the Diploma in Culture of Peace and Multiculturalism initiative included the participation that was achieved with the community assemblies contributed to social cohesion (p. 6). A successful example of institutionalizing a programme was the accreditation of the Diploma in Interculturality and Culture of Peace, promoted by UNESCO in collaboration with the Ibero-American University, through the Directorate General of Continuing Education for Teachers in Service of the Secretariat of Public Education, which was endorsed as a teaching career. To strengthen the sustainability of the Law for Prevention and Assistance of the Internally Displaced in Chiapas, the programme contained provisions that would counteract any potential withdrawal of the state’s executive authority, and ensure that it was ultimately established as legislation (p. 9).

The human security approach would also improve proactive strategies to building sustainable peace instead of simply responding to resolve issues on an interim basis. I believe that the human security approach would be a valuable method to building a more sustainable peace because it promotes the pre-reflection, re-evaluation, and the option to re-direct policy to address ever-evolving security needs for people. As Howard-Hassmann (2012) suggested that “human security should focus on the vital core of protecting “all human lives from critical and pervasive threats” that are not already protected by, or adequately protected by, the existing human rights regime” (p. 108). Likewise, Futamara et al. (2010) revealed that “a human security approach to peacebuilding can offer some solutions to these problems and also suggests ways to strengthen the legitimacy of peacebuilding activities, make them more oriented around local needs and conditions, and therefore strengthen local buy-in and support while restoring dignity to post-crisis societies (p. 4)”. As the second illustration, I would like to reveal another successful instance of the human security model which can be seen in the UN Human Security – A New Response to Complex Threats (2013) video that outlines the Northern Uganda Early Recovery Program (NUERP). This video was presented on the occasion of the High-Level Event on Human Security that took place on 8 May 2013 at the UN Headquarters. They attribute the success of the NUERP program to being provided access to numerous UN agencies that supply a variety of supporting activities food, health, education that are all complementary and focused on the re-building of a self-sustainable community following the LRA (The Lord’s Resistance Army) war. In 2009 the UN Trust Fund for Human Security started a major programme in Northern Uganda under NUERP to help communities trapped in a conflict that claimed thousands of lives and displaced more than 1 million people. There were infrastructure activities to resettling the people who were affected by the LRA war under World Health Organization. Also, under the Village Savings program all community members were able to pay their medical bills, children’s school fees, start a retail business, make sanitation in every homestead. As Richard Saweva Mubiri, Head of Office, Soroti-World Food Program revealed that NUERP really touched the lives of the people. As per practical evidence and the results of NUERP activities, it’s clearly showed the protection of the vital core by the international community at work in the Northern Uganda Early Recovery Programme and also, projects have drawn on the combined expertise of the United Nations system allowing united Nations implementing organizations to tackle threats that affect people in all regions of the world. The efforts of the international community have successfully created a program that protects the survival, livelihoods, and basic decency of Ugandans and reduces the conditions in which tension and conflict can arise. Since 1999 the UN Trust Fund for Human Security has supported over 200 projects in more than 80 countries. Based on the success of Northern Uganda Early Recovery Program (NUERP), the human security approach is applicable to all situations where people face multiple threats.

As a universal component, human security focuses on guaranteeing human well-being by pursuing dignity and freedoms which is also considered as a holistic approach that restores the balance between civil/political and social/economic rights to building sustainable peace for the state and the international community. According to Berns (2014) “there can be no peace without community engagement (p. 15)”. Also, Futamara et al. (2010) argued that “the human security approach is not only centered on people as objects of interventions, including of peacebuilding or development. It provides an “agency” to individuals as subjects, as referents of security and, ultimately, as providers of security (p. 4)”. Likewise, Paris (2001) highlights, “Human security has successfully united a diverse coalition of states, international agencies, and NGOs. Broad objectives are a strength of the human security perspective and allow a variety of actors to unite and work together towards common objectives (p. 102)”. Actually, the human security approach emphasizes the mutual importance of international alternative government agencies, which can be introduced to further influence policy to safeguard human security on a global scale. As the Hague Institute for Global Justice and the Stimson Center (2015) stated that “International communities such as the United Nation, African Union, South American Nations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the European Union, and the Union of South American Nations hold the key to many evolving solutions to current global challenges (p. 56)”. In practice, Canada, Norway, and Japan have incorporated human security into their foreign policy frameworks. According to ICISS report (2001), “Canada has taken human security as the paradigm for its foreign policy and has taken a leadership role in operationalizing it. The human security agenda has offered a way for Canada to contribute a leading voice on the world stage”. One of the strengths of utilizing a human security perspective as it allows for a more inclusive approach in achieving freedom from violence in the lives of people all over the world. An example of the strength of the collaborative nature of a human security approach in relation to physical security is in addressing the threat posed by civil unrest. According to the report of the Institute for Economics and Peace (2020), Internationally, the number of strikes, anti-government protests, and riots increased by 244% between 2011 and 2019. A further increase in this number is likely to occur as a result of the economic recessions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By using the lens of human security, it is possible to analyze both why civil conflict happens and how the state and the international community should take an action to prevent it from occurring.

In conclusion, based on the flexible nature of the human security approach and a wide range of diverse case studies have demonstrated the strength of the human security approach to building sustainable peace for the states and international organizations such as the Northern Uganda Early Recovery Program (NUERP) participated by the UN Trust Fund for Human Security, WHO and World Food Program directly helped to reduce the conditions in which tension and conflict can arise and at the same time, enhanced the lives of the people for long-term and created a sustainable environment that protects the survival, livelihoods, and basic decency of Ugandans. Similarly, another joint program on “Conflict prevention, development of agreements and peacebuilding for internally displaced persons in Chiapas” in Mexico conducted by UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, and UNODC has demonstrated the sustainability of actions in the educational sector is vastly expected to have an enduring effect, particularly on awareness for teachers/educators by delivering the Diploma in Culture of Peace and Multiculturalism initiative. Soon after, based on the huge success of the educational program that was ultimately established as the state legislation. Finally, based on enormous success and legitimate endorsement of the above-mentioned case studies, it has been recognized that the human security approach would be a realistic option for the states and for the international organizations to build more sustainable peace for the global community.


Alkire, S. (2003). A conceptual framework for human security. Working Paper 2. Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, CRISE, Queen Elizabeth House, The University of Oxford.

Berns, J. (2014, September). Conflicts of the future: Trends and responses. Building Peace, (4). Alliance for Peacebuilding, 4-38.

Futamura, M., Newman, E., & Shahrbanou, T. (2010). Towards a human security approach to peacebuilding. United Nations University Research Brief no.2 (2010), pp. 1-7.

Howard-Hassmann, R. E. (2012). Human Security: Undermining Human Rights? Human Rights Quarterly, 34(1), 88–112.

International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. (2001). Synopsis, Chapters 1-4, 7. In The Responsibility to Protect. Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (pp.xi-xiii, 1-37, 57-68). Ottawa, ON: IDRC.

Institute for Economics and Peace (2020). Global Peace Index 2020: Measuring Peace in a Complex World.

Paris, R. (2001, Fall). Human Security: Paradigm shift or hot air? International Security, 26(2), 87-102.

SDGF Joint Programme by UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNODC (02 Oct 2009 – 28 Feb 2013). Mexico: Conflict prevention, development of agreements and peace building for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Chiapas State.

Tadjbakhsh, S., & Chenoy, A. C. (2007). Human security: Concepts and implications. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

The Hague Institute for Global Justice and the Stimson Center. (2015). Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance, 1-158.

United Nations (2013, May 8). Human security – A new response to complex threats [Video file]. Retrieved from

United Nations Development Programme. (1994). Chapter 2: New Dimensions of Human Security. In Human development report 1994: New dimensions of human security (pp. 22-46). New York: UNDP.

Bivash Panday is the founder President of the “Universal Humanity Foundation (UHF), Canada. He is the innovator of “Pain2Peace Method”– a scientific Inner-peace program incorporated with Meditation, Mindfulness, and Indian ancient Breathing Techniques (Pranayama*) to improve overall well-being including sustainable mental peace and moral/social competence.

Currently, Bivash is a post-graduate research student of MA in Human Security and Peacebuilding at Royal Roads University, BC, Canada.

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How to Use Careprost to Enhance Eyelash and Eyebrow

The beauty business has always placed a premium on attractive eyes and eyebrows that are clearly defined. Others, on the other hand, have found out a little secret: by using Careprost eyelash serum, they are able to get the same dreamy look without spending hundreds of dollars on extensions or spending hours upon hours each day applying cosmetics.

In this blog, we will talk about the research that went into developing successful ways to use Careprost. You can have the thick, dark brows and long, thick lashes you’ve always dreamed of, and we’ll show you how to get them. Along the way, we’ll break down the science and the alchemy and give you our best advice. It is not sufficient to worry about how you appear to other people; it is as important to care about how you feel about yourself.

If you want to learn more about Careprost and begin your journey to become a more appealing and authentic version of yourself, let’s get started. Careprost, which will be applied by our trained staff, will cause your eyelashes and eyebrows to grow naturally longer and thicker.

What is Careprost?

Before we get into the details of Careprost, let’s make sure we know what it is and how it works. The main ingredient in the new eyelash product Careprost is bimatoprost. Careprost is given to people who want their eyelashes to be thicker and fuller. It was first made to treat glaucoma, but one of its side effects was that it made eyelashes grow longer, thicker, and darker than normal. People who have always wanted their eyelashes and eyebrows to be longer, thicker, and darker now have a way to make them look that way. People who have wanted these changes for a long time now have a way to get them.

How to Use Careprost for Eyelash Enhancement?

Step 1: Start with a Clean Slate

Imagine your face as a canvas, and before you paint a masterpiece, you need that canvas to be clean and free from any prior strokes. So, begin by thoroughly cleansing your face, ensuring it’s makeup-free and devoid of any residues.

Step 2: The Dance of Precision

Now, it’s time for the delicate dance of precision. Armed with a sterile applicator brush, you’re ready to apply Careprost. Picture this: a tiny drop of the serum poised at the base of your upper eyelashes, like morning dew glistening on a delicate flower. As you carefully apply, it’s essential to maintain a steady hand, for we’re creating art here, and every stroke matters.

Step 3: An Upper Affair

Here’s a crucial tip: when using Careprost, it’s an upper-lash affair only. We’re focusing solely on enhancing the allure of your upper lashes. This precision not only helps you avoid unnecessary eye pigmentation but also ensures that your upper lashes become the stars of the show.

Step 4: Consistency: Your Best Friend

In the world of beauty, consistency is your best friend. Ideally, apply it in the evening as part of your bedtime routine. It’s like nurturing a plant; the more consistent you are, the more you’ll see it flourish. So, remember, each evening, a gentle stroke of Careprost is your path to those mesmerizing lashes that flutter like butterfly wings.

Where to Buy Careprost?

When there are multiple options, it is beneficial to have a reliable guide to help you find your way. Whether dealing with a traditional storefront or an online marketplace, it is essential to verify a company’s claims of legitimacy with credentials and customer feedback. You can think of it as selecting a trustworthy map for your journey.

Those who believe they would manage better with more structure should likely consult a physician. If your cosmetic objectives and health concerns are congruent, they may offer advice and write you a Careprost prescription. Obtaining something with a prescription guarantees its safety and legitimacy. The effectiveness and safety of Careprost have been confirmed by a prescription from your doctor. It’s as if somebody handed you a customized treasure map.

In the current economic climate, online shopping is a practical option. However, only conduct business with reputable sellers. These stores offer genuine Careprost at competitive prices, with quality assurances and receptive customer service representatives. Consider them safe online savings accounts.


The application of Careprost eyelash serum may prove to be a key step on the right path for those folks who have the objective of achieving superb eyelashes and brows. If you follow the steps outlined in this book, exercise patience, and are constant in your application of the product, you will be able to discover how to achieve the magnificent eyelashes and eyebrows you have always dreamed of having.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to discover the key to having the eyelashes and eyebrows of your dreams. If you use Careprost, you will no longer be required to go through the trouble of applying makeup on a daily basis, and instead, you will be able to take pleasure in a beauty that is natural while still having an air of sophistication about it.

You should keep in mind that despite the fact that Careprost can produce amazing effects, it is imperative that you use it in a responsible manner and seek the guidance of a healthcare specialist if you have any issues regarding the safety or effectiveness of the medication.

After all, the question is: why should we wait? You should begin your trip with Careprost as soon as possible so that you can observe the changes for yourself as quickly as is humanly possible.

Hello, I am Luke Roy, a pharmacist and health practitioner by profession. I have a deep knowledge of healthcare, beauty, and cosmetic products. I hope this article has helped you to know about Careprost and if you are interested in buying Careprost then you can visit the following link:

Article source:

Newfoundland Breed: Gentle Giants of the Dog World

Do not be fooled by their impressive stature, the Newfoundland breed stands as one of the most gentle and endearing members of the dog world. These giant breeds mesh the imposing presence of a grizzly with the tender nature of a family pet.

With their roots deeply planted in the rugged terrain of Newfoundland, Canada, these dogs have sailed through history as both paramount working companions and loving pets. Recognized for their loyalty and protective instincts, the Newfoundland has earned its moniker of ‘gentle giant’ many times over, a beloved guardian equally comfortable by the fire or romping through the outskirts of an open field best family pets.

Key Takeaways

  • Newfoundland’s bear-like appearance belies a gentle, teddy bear-like temperament.
  • Originating from Canada, this breed has established itself as a versatile water and land working dog.
  • The breed was officially recognized by the AKC in 1886, representing its valued role as a family pet.
  • Newfoundlands exhibit a protective yet non-aggressive nature.
  • Fostering a friendly and loving environment contributes to the Newfoundland’s reputation as a cherished giant breed.

Unveiling the Charismatic Newfoundland Dog
Embark on a journey of discovery as we delve into the winsome world of the Newfoundland dog. This breed’s hallmark is a harmonious blend of might and mildness, making it a cherished companion for those who cherish both vigor and empathy in a furry friend. With origins veiled in the misty shores of Canada, the Newfoundland has set a stature of beauty and utility matched by few.

The Distinct Appearance of the Newfoundland Breed
With a countenance that is both noble and endearing, the Newfoundland dog boasts a distinct appearance that commands attention. Its substantial frame is cloaked in a luxurious black or brown coat, a hallmark of the breed that accentuates its striking yet soporific presence. The physical allure of the Newfoundland is its dense fur, which acts as both ornament and armor, ideal for bracing the chill of boreal waters.

Celebrated Sizes: Newfoundland Males and Females
From the stalwart male to the graceful female, Newfoundland dogs present a celebrated range of size. Males notably can tip the scales at an imposing 200 pounds and can stand at an awe-inspiring height of 28 inches tall. Females share this majestic size but with a slight diminution, contributing to the breed’s overall balance and harmonious proportions. This size is not merely about dimensions but also speaks to the capacious hearts housed within these giants.

Newfoundland Breed: The Ultimate Teddy Bear
Despite their considerable size, Newfoundlands exude the congeniality of a teddy bear, with a demeanor that is gentle and inviting. This docility is mirrored in their movements and expressions, conveying a depth of tenderness that is rare among dogs of such formidable stature. They are the companions par excellence for those who prize both strength and sweetness in their canine counterpart.

In conclusion, the Newfoundland dog is not just a pet; it is a testament to the grandeur of nature and the fidelity of canine companionship. Their distinct appearance, significant size, and teddy bear-like disposition make them a standout breed that continues to win hearts around the globe.

The Rich Historical Tapestry of the Newfoundland Breed
Steeped in Newfoundland history, the origins of this legendary canine breed are woven into the very fabric of Canadian origins. These majestic dogs have played a crucial role in coastal communities and beyond, forming an indelible part of our shared heritage. From their early days alongside fishermen in the frigid North Atlantic waters to their presence in homes worldwide, Newfoundlands have captured hearts with their strength and gentle nature.

From Canadian Origins to Global Love
The Newfoundland breed emerged from the rugged coastline of Newfoundland, Canada. They became an intrinsic part of local life with their remarkable abilities to swim through icy waters and assist fishermen. This indispensable breed pulled nets, retrieved errant gear, and saved countless lives from the freezing Atlantic. Their reputation for heroism and hard work caught the imaginations of those far from their native shores, igniting a love that would carry these Newfie bloodlines across continents.

Legendary Canines in History: The Newfoundland’s Mark
A dog named Seaman remains one of the most famous Newfoundlands in history, having joined explorers Lewis and Clark on their epic journey across America. Swansea Jack, another storied Newfoundland, is heralded for saving 27 people from perilous waters. These legendary canines not only symbolize the breed’s heroism but also its place in the broader historical narrative.

Evolution of the Breed: The Blend of Newfie Bloodlines
The stoic Newfoundlands we cherish today are the result of meticulous breeding, with lineage that possibly includes the Great Pyrenees, black English Retrievers, and perhaps some Husky types. This harmonious blend of Newfie bloodlines has resulted in the majestic and sweet-natured companions known for their courage and loyalty.

The Profound Temperament of Newfoundlands
True to their moniker as gentle giants, Newfoundland dogs epitomize an intriguing blend of physical strength and empathic, mild temperaments. Renowned for their Newfoundland temperament which is as sweet-tempered as it is resilient, these dogs exude a calmness and equilibrium that is fondly cherished by their human companions. As impressive in composure as they are in size, they present a patient and devoted nature that endears them to families and fellow pets alike.

Newfoundlands have long been valued for their compatibility with children, a trait that solidifies their standing as patient and devoted family members. Whether the setting is an active household or a tranquil refuge, these dogs adapt with grace, showcasing their sweet-tempered personalities. In recognition of their disposition, they have been fondly dubbed “nanny dogs,” a testament to their vigilant yet gentle interactions with young ones.

These admirable traits, however, should be nurtured through responsible ownership that includes the application of consistent positive reinforcement. The sensitive nature of Newfoundlands flourishes under gentle guidance, shaping their behavior to be as commendable as their captivating looks.

It is clear that the Newfoundland breed, with their hallmark of a profound and endearing temperament, is a coveted companion in homes around the world. Their patient and devoted nature, paired with their unmatched sweetness, makes them not just pets, but profound members of the family circle.

Understanding the Newfoundland Size and Structure
Immersing oneself in the study of Newfoundlands reveals a breed known not only for their ample size but for a harmonious blend of power and grace. A marvel of canine architecture, Newfoundlands are as majestic and muscular as they are gentle, earning them the affectionate nickname “gentle giants”.

Power and Grace: The Newfoundland’s Stature
The Newfoundland size is emblematic of the breed’s capacity for work and its enduring legacy as a canine of considerable merit. Males of this breed convey a dominating presence, typically standing a formidable 28 to 30 inches at the shoulder. Meanwhile, females, while slightly shorter, maintain a robust and striking physique, characterizing the breed’s well-balanced stature. The muscular build of these dogs is not just for show; it attests to their historical role as formidable workers in harsh climates and turbulent seas.

The Remarkable Newfoundland Coat Variations
The coat of a Newfoundland is a marvel in itself, with variations that portray the breed’s adaptability and historical functionality. The water-resistant double coat can present in classic black, soothing brown or even majestic gray shades. Not to be overlooked is the striking white and black “Landseer” pattern, a coat variation named after the artist who famously depicted the breed. These coat variations do more than just provide aesthetic pleasure; they serve as a protective layer against the biting cold of the Canadian waters from which the breed hails.

Distinguishing Features of the Gentle Giant
Distinguished beyond size and coat, the Newfoundland breed possesses features that are tell-tale signs of their genetic heritage and utility-driven design. Their large, broad head houses dark brown eyes that provide a soft, yet intelligent, expression. Small, triangular ears frame their benevolent face, while a thick, long tail often gives the last word in body language. Each of these distinguishing features contributes to the Newfoundland’s iconic look—a composite of strength, intelligence, and gentle spirit.

The structural elements of Newfoundlands serve as a testament to their storied past as working dogs expertly equipped for both land and sea tasks. With profound Newfoundland size, sturdy muscular build, diverse coat variations, and iconic distinguishing features, this breed stands as a paragon in the dog world, merging functionality with aesthetics in captivating ways.

Newfoundland Care Essentials for Optimal Health
A Newfoundland’s majestic presence is matched by its requirement for robust care and maintenance. Optimal health for this noble breed involves a trifecta of diligent grooming, preventive veterinary oversight, and tailor-made exercise regimens. Understanding and attending to the nuanced needs of this gentle giant will ensure their well-being and longevity.

The Importance of Grooming in Newfoundland Breed Care
Meticulous grooming rituals play a vital role in Newfoundland care. Their luxurious double coats are not only beautiful but also functional, providing insulation against harsh climates. Regular brushing minimizes matting and keeps the coat in top condition, aiding in temperature regulation and skin health. Besides coat care, attention to nails and ears will further enhance the overall health and comfort of your Newfoundland.

Preventing Common Health Issues with Regular Check-ups
The sheer size of the Newfoundland breed predisposes it to several health issues, such as hip dysplasia, heart problems, and cystinuria. Vigilant monitoring through routine check-ups is critical in detecting and mitigating the onset of these conditions. Proactive health management, including genetic testing and health screenings, promotes an active, disease-free life for these dogs.

If Big Dogs Could Swim: Exercise Needs of the Newfoundland
Despite their grand size, Newfoundlands do not require extensive physical exercise, but they do thrive with regular activity that is aligned with their exercise needs. Moderate daily walks coupled with the mental stimulation of play keep these dogs fit and content. True to their heritage, Newfoundlands benefit immensely from swimming, an activity that supports joint health and caters to their natural affinity for the water.

Comprehensive Newfoundland grooming and a well-considered exercise protocol are mutually beneficial, contributing to a serene disposition and fostering the health of your gentle giant. As custodians of this noble breed, it is our joy and duty to preserve the vigor and essence of these distinguished companions through dedicated Newfoundland care.

Newfoundland Training: Commands, Socialization, and Positive Reinforcement
Training a Newfoundland involves much more than teaching basic commands; it’s about fostering a communicative bond between dog and owner. This intelligent breed responds incredibly well to positive reinforcement, an approach built upon a foundation of trust and treats. A focus on Newfoundland training—employing consistent commands and ensuring proper socialization—will not only cultivate a well-mannered pet but will also enhance the intrinsic joy of living with these affable giants.

Embarking on socialization from puppyhood is vital. These sociable dogs thrive on interaction, and early exposure to various settings, situations, and people will set the ground for a confident and well-adjusted temperament. Socialization is the cornerstone of preventing unwanted behaviors such as separation anxiety and the development of potentially unhealthy personality traits when solitude is unavoidable.

Implementing positive reinforcement in Newfoundland training is a game-changer. Every ‘sit’, ‘stay’, or ‘come’ learned through this encouraging method reinforces their eagerness to please. Unlike more punitive measures, positive reinforcement empowers Newfoundlands to learn effectively without risking emotional withdrawal or stubbornness.

Through positive reinforcement, every correct response to a command is an opportunity for celebration. Potent emotional motivators such as praise, petting, or treats not only bolster good behavior but also fortify the bond between Newfoundland and owner. Over time, these intelligent dogs will associate adherence to commands with positive outcomes, leading them to replicate these behaviors willingly.

So, grab your treats, muster your patience, and embark on a journey of Newfoundland training that promises mutual growth and an ever-strengthening bond. Remember, with a Newfoundland, every training session is an opportunity to lead with love.

Decoding the Health of the Newfoundland Breed
Newfoundland health requires a vigilant approach, delicately balancing aspects of veterinary care, diet, and attention to genetic conditions. These dogs are as remarkable for their serene temperament as they are for their potential health challenges, most of which stern from their impressive size and unique genetic makeup.

The Genetic Battles: From Hip Dysplasia to Heat Tolerance
Generations of Newfoundlands have defied harsh climes, but with that legacy comes a susceptibility to certain genetic conditions. Hip and elbow dysplasia are common concerns, where the joints may not develop correctly, leading to discomfort and reduced mobility. Veterinary screenings can aid in early detection and management, emphasizing the importance of choosing breeders who prioritize genetic testing. Additionally, Newfoundlands’ thick coats make them predisposed to heat intolerance. Monitoring for signs of heat stress is crucial, especially in warmer climates, to mitigate the risk of heat exhaustion or stroke.

Proactive Veterinary Care for a Healthy Newfoundland
Regular veterinary visits are a cornerstone of Newfoundland’s overall health. These check-ups are opportunities to catch early signs of heart conditions, another health issue to which they are genetically inclined. Bloat is another acute threat, marked by symptoms such as restlessness and abdominal swelling; knowledge of such signs and swift action can be life-saving. A healthcare routine that includes immunizations, preventive treatments, and health screenings reinforces the breed’s well-being and stamina.

The Domino Effect of Diet on Newfoundland’s Health
The maintenance of Newfoundland health relies heavily on a balanced diet. Proper nutrition not only supports their substantial physiques but also acts as a counterbalance to potential health issues. Adequate protein supports joint and muscle health, while carefully moderated food intake can prevent obesity, a factor that exacerbates conditions like dysplasia. Feeding strategies that incorporate the right balance of vitamins and minerals can aid in the prevention of cardiac and other systemic conditions.

A proactive health strategy underlines the significance of preemptive steps. By decoding the genetic and dietary factors influencing Newfoundland’s well-being, owners can ensure that these gentle giants enjoy a quality of life as large as their loving presence.

Newfoundland Breed in Popular Culture and Literature
The Newfoundland breed has not only made its mark through its noble characteristics and commanding presence but has also woven itself into the very fabric of popular culture and literature. These gentle giants have come to symbolize the ideals of companionship and heroism, enriching stories and real-life tales with their empathetic and courageous spirits.

A Noble Companion: Newfoundlands in Classic Stories
Iconic works of literature have long celebrated the Newfoundland breed for its faithful and nurturing nature. Perhaps the most famous literary Newfoundland is Nana from J.M. Barrie’s “Peter Pan,” who was not only the Darling family’s pet but also their tender caretaker, embodying the breed’s loving character. These noble companions have similarly featured in the works of Louisa May Alcott, echoing the breed’s protective and gentle traits.

The Real-life Heroes and Cultural Icons
Our admiration for the Newfoundland stretches beyond the pages of stories into the annals of reality, where dogs like Gander, who sacrificed his life in World War II, have become cultural icons. Another hero, Swansea Jack, is celebrated for his bravery in saving numerous lives from drowning. Their heroic acts and devoted nature have helped solidify the Newfoundland breed’s reputation as not just pets but protectors and heroes in society.

The Newfoundland’s Modern Media Presence
With a significant media presence today, Newfoundlands continue to be a source of inspiration and admiration. They have charmed audiences in films such as “Must Love Dogs,” where they effortlessly convey their characteristic affection and docile temperament. These roles highlight the breed’s adaptability and appeal, further securing the Newfoundland’s status as a cultural mainstay within the entertainment sphere.

Choosing and Welcoming Newfoundland Puppies into Your Home
Welcome the heartwarming journey of introducing Newfoundland puppies into your family fold. These affectionate giants bring immense joy to households, but embarking on this new adventure requires thoughtful preparation and a nurturing environment. With focus and dedication, you can ensure your Newfoundland puppy grows into the magnificent companion they’re destined to be.

The Essentials of Selecting a Newfoundland Puppy
Selecting a puppy requires attentiveness to their unique disposition and physical requirements. Newfoundland puppies need enough space to accommodate their expected growth and an environment conducive to their social nature. During the selection process, potential owners should look for signs of good health, a friendly disposition, and responsive interaction, indicative of a well-socialized pup.

Transitioning from a Breeder to a Forever Home
Transitioning Newfoundland puppies from a breeder to your home demands patience and structure. Introducing a consistent routine early on will help your puppy adjust and feel secure in their new surroundings. Establishing a regular feeding schedule, designating a sleeping area, and beginning house training from day one will lay the groundwork for a smooth transition.

The Joy of Watching Newfoundland Puppies Grow
There’s a profound delight in observing the milestones as Newfoundland puppies expand in size and character. Attentive feeding with a nutrition-rich diet designed for large breeds, regular vet check-ups, and incremental training sessions will nurture their growth into robust and gentle adult dogs. Owners can relish in each stage of their development, celebrating the moments that mark their transition from cuddly pups to majestic, loyal companions.

Insights from Newfoundland Owners and Breed Enthusiasts
Delving into the experiences of Newfoundland owners and breed enthusiasts reveals a tapestry of stories extolling the breed’s virtues as a family pet and community favorite. These gentle giants are praised for their affectionate and tranquil demeanor, winning over hearts in homes where their imposing size is matched only by their boundless love. Insights from those who have opened their homes to a Newfie provide invaluable anecdotes about the joys and idiosyncrasies of living with these endearing dogs.

The Newfoundland dog community is a vibrant and supportive network, where novices and experts alike can swap advice and stories. Below is a snapshot of the insights shared within the community that showcase why this breed is an outstanding addition to family life and the wider dog community.

  • Their calm nature makes them excellent for households with children, providing a comforting and watchful presence.
  • Newfoundlands are keen on forming bonds, not just with their human families but also with other pets, adding to their reputation as a sociable breed.
  • Owners emphasize the importance of space – both physical and emotional – for Newfoundlands to thrive as part of the family dynamic.
  • The breed’s love of water and swimming is highlighted as a unique and compelling trait that offers owners a special way to bond and play.

The contribution of breed enthusiasts is significant in the continued celebration and preservation of the Newfoundland’s legacy. Their passion fuels education and preservation efforts that help new owners navigate the rewards and responsibilities of Newfoundland stewardship.

In every testimony and shared experience, the sentiment is clear: owning a Newfoundland is a commitment matched by unparalleled affection and loyalty. These dogs are more than pets; they become an integral part of the fabric of family life. Through careful breeding and a strong support system within the dog community, their legacy as the beloved gentle giant continues to be celebrated across generations.

Community and Resources for Newfoundland Dog Owners
For those who are proud parents of a Newfoundland dog, you’re not alone. The Newfoundland dog community is a globally interconnected web where support and wisdom flow freely. From the seasoned expert to the first-time dog parent, this is a space where everyone can find camaraderie and shared passion for this extraordinary breed.

Within this caring community, there are various resources and support systems designed to celebrate and assist with the nuances of Newfoundland ownership. Whether you’re searching for training tips, grooming guidance, or want to connect over the sheer joy of being a Newfie owner, the international network is a click or a conversation away.

Dog owner support groups, both online and offline, offer a wealth of knowledge and experience for Newfoundland enthusiasts. From specialized training advice to best practices in health maintenance, these groups can significantly enhance the Newfoundland ownership experience.

Below is a compilation of the types of resources you might find invaluable on your journey with your Newfoundland:

  • Breed-specific clubs and organizations that host events
  • Online forums and social media groups for daily interaction
  • Local meet-up groups for Newfoundland playdates and exercise
  • Training facilities familiar with the needs of giant breeds
  • Grooming services experienced in handling Newfoundland’s luxurious coats

Whether it’s through face-to-face interaction or virtual connections, the Newfoundland dog community stands ready to embrace and support its members. These resources ensure that as a Newfoundland owner, you’re empowered with knowledge, enveloped in support, and never alone on the wonderful journey of raising your gentle giant.

The Newfoundland breed, known for their grandeur and affectionate nature, embodies the essence of a gentle giant. As a devoted companion, the Newfoundland has a storied history of service, both as a working breed adept in the icy waters of its namesake province and as a steadfast partner in the homes of their human counterparts. Their notable presence in popular culture and literature only serves to highlight the depth of their impact on the human spirit.

Owners and enthusiasts of the breed consistently extol the virtues of the Newfoundland’s companionship and loyalty, contributing to a rewarding relationship cherished by all who have the pleasure of their acquaintance. These devoted companions have solidified their status in the dog world with their protective nature, amiable temperament, and the enduring love they offer to their families.

This Newfoundland breed overview serves as a testament to their unwavering role as both gentle giants and devoted companions. Their appealing characteristics resonate across dog communities, endearing them to anyone blessed by their noble and tender companionship. Indeed, Newfoundlands stand as a singular beacon of the profound bond that can exist between humans and their canine friends.

Reading Music for Beginners

You will find countless music lovers around. Many simply love to listen to music while many more would wish they could play musical instruments Drum Lessons Colorado Springs. However playing musical instruments such as the guitar, piano, violin, flute as well as other musical instruments is rather hard for lots who are beginners to this subject. If you are interested to play the musical instruments, then you actually need to be patient, diligent, your love for music as well as skill to read music, particularly, music notes. In case you are still an amateur in music, there are ways to make reading music less difficult and your progress less difficult. Firstly you must understand the basics of music. If your basics on music are strong, then it is quite simple for you to read and master those difficult musical notes. Often, you may lack desire for understanding the basics because you wish to instantly leap into the cooler, more complex expertise of playing the instrument. To understand the basics of music, you definitely need to concentrate on it and this will help you to go to the next level of music. You won’t be able to understand anything at all unless you concentrate on your lessons and do not get easily distracted by other preoccupations. Good lighting is very essential while reading musical notation. You would also need to have a music sheet that is clearly printed. If possible have a larger copy of the music sheet to ensure you will not have a hard time seeing the symbols specifically if you are into sight reading. You would find it easier to read music if you can see the musical notation clearly. Many other musical symbols including key signatures, sharps, flats and clefs should be clearly printed. Moreover, if you wear eye glasses, you should always wear them while reading music. If you are a beginner, then you should understand the musical terms that are commonly used in the language of the music group, in music guides and references and in lessons. This will enable you to learn your music lessons quickly thereby helping you to relate to many other musicians. Some of the musical terms include the staff, the notes, the clefs, the key signatures. There are five lines in staff and four spaces within the notes. The position of the notes in the lines or space of the staff makes distinct note representations. Treble clef of the bass clef are two types of clef. The bass clef is put on the staff that has the low notes while the treble clef is where the high notes are put. The key signature represents the key level that you need to play a song in. You will also encounter sharps and flats while reading music. You can improve you music reading skills by constantly practicing it and concentrating on learning basics. You might increase the required pace in playing your instrument with simple in addition to complicated musical pieces. You can also commit to memory the musical symbols unless you become really competent in reading music. If you are a beginner and want to read music, then you can search online or any local music stores.

The Advantage of Having the System Ventilation in the House

Without it you may face the problems in the future. This system is vital because of the number of reasons. It also helps in controlling the moisture content of the house, and makes it comfortable and energy efficient home Gutters. The efficient validation system will help you in achieving the high indoor air quality, controlling the indoor temperature, replenishing oxygen, odors, smoke, dirt, airborne bacteria and carbon dioxide. It also helps in preventing the stagnation of the indoor air.

The ventilation provides you the proper exchange of indoor and outdoor air and minimizes the indoor pollution, smoking or cooking odors by circulating the fresh air inside the house. The proper System Ventilation also assists in keeping the house away from any of the condensation. Meager home ventilation can grasp the hazardous amount of the volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, and traces of radon. Higher level of humidity can lead to the growth of the mold, which may result in damaging the structure of your house.

The rate of 0.35 air changes in one hour is considered as adequate ventilation, it is essential to consider this value while constructing your house. This system work to expel the carbon-dioxide, airborne chemicals, stale air containing moister and some other toxins from indoor air of the house.

An extractor fan is one of the efficient options available for good ventilation. With the capacity of about 300m3/h, these can remove the moister in the air. In low ceilings they houses it could be installed on the top side of the window along with the shutters. Shutters helps in controlling the rate of ventilation. Without having this system, you could anticipate the rise in the utility bills in summer, in this season you may be exposed higher amount of fresh air because the airflow depends on the pressure inside and outside the house, the air could leak thorough some unwanted areas. If you are serious about saving acceptable sum of money you should install the efficient system ventilation. By that change you can achieve the desired comfort level. This system ensures you to get rid of the allergies and also helps you to reduce your power bills to notable level.

The allergy from mold formation is the burning issue in the whole world. The efficient air circulation in your home will result in reducing mold formation. You can also harness naturally available forces to provide the proficient system of ventilation. There are three types of natural system by them you can achieve the desired result, wind induced, pressure driven and the stack ventilation.

Qualities To Look For While Hiring a Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

Certified, qualified and trained staff of professional carpet cleaners will provide you better and safe carpet cleaning results Unterhaltsreinigung Göttingen.

When it comes to covering the floor almost every household has a carpet installed. Carpets come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colours, patterns and designs. A carpet is not just a floor covering but rather an integral part of the interior decor. A carpet not only adds beauty, luxury and elegance to home but it’s also a big part of the home environment. Carpets will accumulate a lot of dirt and grime with time and also suffer stains. Stains and grime can damage and decolourise the carpet fibres. Also, filthy and dirty carpets can contaminate your indoor air and compromise the overall quality of the home environment.

Ignoring the routine cleaning of the carpet can severely affect the quality of the carpet and your health as well. Dirty carpets will expose you to many germs, pathogens, contaminants, pollutants and parasites. So its highly suggested that you hire professional Carpet Cleaning Sydney services to form from time to time. Professionals are trained individuals who can handle and clean any dirty carpet effectively. There are a variety of carpet cleaning services that you can avail as per your need. When hiring a professional cleaning service you need to look for some qualities. Below are the 6 qualities to look for while hiring a professional carpet cleaning service.

Qualities To Look For While Hiring A Professional Carpet Cleaning Service

Credentials of The Company and The Staff
The very first thing you should look for is the credential of the company and its staff. A professional carpet cleaning company will not only have trained staff but will also be an established brand in itself. The company must be an expert firm in the field of professional carpet cleaning services. We must look for experience and customer satisfaction in their feed. Always make sure that the service provider is trustworthy enough to deliver the best carpet cleaning service.

Efficiency Of Professional Carpet Cleaners
Almost all kinds of carpet cleaning methods are carried out by professional cleaners. A carpet cleaner is not just an ordinary individual. He/she must be a trained, skilled and experienced individual in the field of carpet cleaning. So while hiring you must look for all the credentials of the staff that will be handling your carpets. Carpet cleaning requires the use of heavy machinery, specialised equipment and various commercial products. Also, carpets come in a variety of textures, colours and quality so a professional cleaner must have all the knowledge of different types of carpet. Certified, qualified and trained staff of professional cleaners will provide you better and safe carpet cleaning results.

Customers Reviews
While booking a professional carpet cleaning service through their website make sure you go through customer reviews. A satisfied group of customers is always the benchmark for the quality of the service provided by the company. Average customer reviews will reflect the kind of carpet cleaning service that a company provides. So before hiring any professional carpet cleaning service make sure you always check the reviews posted by customers. Customer reviews will always help you choose the best professional carpet cleaning service.

Latest Tools And Equipment
Professional carpet cleaning is a complex and hectic job to do. So almost all kinds of professional carpet cleaning services will require the use of specialised tools and equipment. A good professional carpet cleaner must utilise all the latest tools and equipment. Different types of carpet cleaning services require different machinery and equipment. There are heavy-duty vacuum cleaners, water injectors, rotary machines with brushes, etc. So while hiring any professional carpet cleaning service always make sure that they possess all the required tools and equipment. And lastly, an efficient professional cleaner must be skilled in using those tools and equipment.

Versatility Of Services They Offer
Professional carpet cleaning is not just limited to washing or vacuum cleaning the carpet. There are hundreds of carpet cleaning methods and techniques used by experts to clean the carpets. All kinds of carpet cleaning services have their advantages and disadvantages. Make sure the company you hire provides all kinds of carpet cleaning services. From carpet shampooing to carpet dry cleaning, a professional firm will deliver all. Carpet sanitization is also an important aspect while carpet odour removal is also needed. Carpets can also suffer from mould, so a professional service must provide . Advanced carpet cleaning services like carpet steam cleaning or carpet dry cleaning offer deep and effective cleaning of the carpets. These specialised services will also offer the best and carpet deodorisation.

Look For Eco-Friendly or Natural Carpet Cleaning options
A carpet is an integral part of your environment and any problems associated with dirty carpets can impact your health. Professionals use various commercial products and substances for treating the stains, killing germs and deep clean the carpets. Many kinds of products and cleaners have harmful and toxic chemicals in them so when a cleaner uses these chemicals and compounds to clean the carpets they also impact your home environment. So it becomes important for you to look for eco-friendly carpet cleaning options. Eco-friendly carpet cleaning will sue natural and green products to clean the carpets. Using these natural substances and products will not only provide safe and effective carpet cleaning results but will also improve the quality of your home environment. Make sure you always look for natural and eco-friendly options while hiring a professional carpet cleaning service.

Whom To Trust

As you have read below the main qualities to look for while hiring a professional cleaning service, we advise you to hire us. Oops Cleaning is a renowned and trustworthy name in the field of professional carpet cleaning services. The quality of the carpet cleaning service we deliver is in itself a proof of our efficiency. Our professionals are setting the benchmark for the best carpet cleaning results. We are always available for you round the clock 24×7. We have a staff of highly skilled, trained and certified professional cleaners. Equipped with all the latest tools and specialed equipment, we can deliver the best carpet cleaning results for you.



The consistency of “C” grade veterinary medical practices is provided nationwide for clients and their pets. If this opening statement did not raise the hair on the back of your neck, you are not providing a “C” scenario; you are practicing an “A” scenario S.O.A.P. My hat is off to you.

To focus deeper, I am mentioning the annual diagnostic testing for patients who are healthy by starting as early as possible to establish a benchmark for what is considered normal, plus observing any future trends that occur.

This article may sound simplistic; however, the consistency of running annual diagnostics is all over the board in our industry, and who ultimately suffers the patient? Most diagnostics are chosen when the patient shows signs and symptoms of a potential medical condition or illness.

Learning My Lesson The Hard Way

Arriving at a client’s residence one evening, I entered the home; the drapes ripped, damaged furniture, and the kitchen was an abortion, and wow, the smell made me (literally) vomit. In the backyard was a 125-pound F/S 6-year-old Harlequin Great Dane with an extended abdomen, pale mucous membranes, a temperature below 100 degrees, sitting in a puddle of hemorrhagic diarrhea, and collapsed rear legs. The client mentioned that her veterinarian treated her with high doses of Dexamethasone IV 3-times a week for 21 days. As I stabilized and transported her to the closest specialty and emergency hospital in West Los Angeles, my time increased to 4.5 hours. I was sure I would not be paid – just looking at the client’s home, I knew they were below the poverty line financially.

And here comes my spanking. Once the patient was admitted, I talked with the admitting veterinary specialist in detail, processed my paperwork, and met with the client in the hospital reception area. She asked, how much do I owe you, sir? I said it was on the house today, and there were no charges for my service. Now the time was past 1:00 AM PST.

She placed her arthritic fingers on my right forearm, looked at me straight, and said, “your lesson today is never to judge people for what you see.” Ouch, that still stings today. Now again, how much do I owe you for your services? My reply was $425.00. As she opened her purse, I peeked and found over 60,000 dollars and one 38 caliber revolver handgun. I received a payment that early morning graciously with a $100.00 tip.

NOTE: The patient spent six weeks in the hospital undergoing intense treatment and diagnostics daily, with a total medical bill of over $6,000.00 in 1992. And yes, I brought the patient home and, without hesitation and confidence, charged a fee of $125.00.

Client lesson, “if I only listened to my veterinarian to have annual diagnostics, my baby would not have suffered so much.”

Today the client mindset is better with the consistent education of market industry influences, publications, and collateral material; however, the situation of the judgment of what a client is wearing, driving, etc., still exists. First, that is none of our business. Pet owners today are accismus and want the best and deserve the best medicine plus, as a profession, can provide.

During my lectures to university students, practice owners, veterinarians, hospital managers, technicians and assistants, and customer care teams, I share my lessons and recommend an annual physical examination, blood diagnostics, urinalysis, and fecal analysis to patients. Period!

Keeping my diagnostic topic simple, apply what your textbooks state, the “A” scenario, at all times.


Excerpt: Preventive measures in human healthcare are recognized as a means of providing early detection of disease, however, the veterinary profession has not been as effective in communicating the benefits of preventive measures to pet owners. Readily available pet healthcare information on the internet, owners not understanding that regular health evaluations can ensure the well-being of their pets and owners confusing the signs of chronic disease with normal aging have contributed to declining numbers of veterinary visits.

HRQL data, collected via a white-labeled veterinary clinic branded app designed to facilitate connected care between owner and veterinarian, were analyzed for 6,108 dogs, aged between 6 weeks and 16 years. Of these 5,002 were deemed to be in perfect health by their owners, yet the alert was triggered for 1,343 (27%) of these, 75% of which were young/middle-aged and 25% were old, indicating that acute injuries notwithstanding, many middle aged dogs may have been suffering from undetected chronic disease such as osteoarthritis.

Davies, V., Scott, E. M., Lesley, M., Wright, A. K., & Reid, J. (2021). Corrigendum: Development of an Early Warning System for Owners Using a Validated Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) Instrument for Companion Animals and Its Use in a Large Cohort of Dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8.


Googling “The necessity of annual blood testing in pets:” there are over 237 million results which mean the message is out there. Applying that procedure and protocol infrastructure in your hospital is another.

Yes, we all know about the financial conundrum a pet parent experiences today, especially post-pandemic. Nevertheless, keep forward in your laboratory diagnostic policy, and let the pet owner decide your recommendation. Plenty of financial solutions and assistance exist for consumers if they need them. You will only achieve wins at times; however, your policy for high-end veterinary medical care sends a direct and pertinent message of “providing excellent patient care.”

Taking the step forward behooves us to run an annual comprehensive diagnostics panel on every patient and solidifies the soul of you and your hospital team that this is quality care. They must fully understand and believe the why’s involved (just like a mantra), so they also educate the pet owner to make the right decision.

Annual physical examination includes bloodwork, urinalysis, and fecal testing, which is the 5-star golden rule.

Contact your hospital’s diagnostic sales representative for assistance; they are knowledgeable and can help substantially.

SLM has a strong background in many areas, including business development, strategic marketing, partnerships, brand identity development, campaign and product management, public relations, social media, website construction and development, stakeholder relationship management, and client relations. We are thoroughly familiar with marketing industry practices, standards, and protocols.

Article source:

Becoming A Professional Esports Player: The Essential Steps

Esports is an industry that has seen massive growth over the last few years, with hundreds of millions of dollars being generated annually. So what’s stopping you from joining in on this lucrative venture? Becoming a professional player might seem like a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be. Just follow these 5 essential steps and soon enough you’ll be dominating the competition.

  1. Get good at a game

This is the most important step. If you want to be a professional player, you need to be good at a game. There are plenty of games out there that have competitive scenes, so find one that you’re passionate about and start practicing. The more time and effort you put in, the better your chances of becoming successful.

There are many resources available online that can help improve your skills. Be sure to check out popular YouTube channels, forums, and websites dedicated to helping players get better. You can also attend offline tournaments and compete against other players in order to test your skills and learn from your mistakes.

Remember: practice makes perfect.

  1. Join a team

Another important step on the road to becoming a professional player is joining a team. This will give you access to coaching, training, and support from other players. It can be difficult to go it alone in the competitive world of esports, so having a team behind you can make all the difference.

There are many teams out there that are always looking for new members. You can find them by doing a simple online search or by checking out popular online platforms like Team Liquid . Joining an established team can give you a head start on your journey to becoming a pro player.

  1. Get sponsorship

Sponsorship is another important factor when it comes to becoming a professional player. Sponsors can provide you with the financial support you need to continue competing at a high level. They can also help promote your team and give you additional exposure to potential sponsors.

There are many ways to get sponsored as a professional esports player. You can start by reaching out to an online casino, since these are always on the lookout for new talent. There are many online casino sites that offer sponsorship deals, so be sure to do your research and find one that’s right for you.

Another way to get sponsored is by joining an organization like the Electronic Sports League (ESL). ESL is a large organization that offers sponsorship opportunities to teams and players from all across the world. If you’re in Europe, then check it out and see what kind of sponsorship deals they offer.

Finding a sponsor can help add some stability to your career as an esports player. It might take time and effort, but if you want to make this dream come true then there’s no better way than finding the right online casino or organization that is willing to support your team with cash prizes and sponsorships.

  1. Travel to compete

One of the best things about being a professional esports player is getting to travel and compete in different tournaments all over the world. This can be an amazing experience and a great way to see new places.

If you want to make it as a pro player, then you need to be willing to travel. This might mean flying out to another continent or spending hours on a bus or train going from one tournament to the next. The more tournaments you attend, the better your chances of making it big.

Be sure to budget appropriately so that you can afford to travel for competitions. And don’t forget: always bring your A game.

  1. Stay current on trends

Keeping up with the latest trends in esports is another important part of becoming a professional player. If you’re not up to date on the latest news and developments, then you’ll quickly fall behind the competition.

Fortunately, staying current on trends is easy nowadays thanks to the internet. There are many websites and online publications that cover the latest news in e-sports. Be sure to check out popular sites like ESPN, Kotaku , and Polygon. You can also follow popular YouTube channels like TheScore, Esports and Duncan “Thorin” Shields for insights and analysis on all things esports.

Staying current on trends will help you stay ahead of your competition and give you an edge when competing in tournaments.

I have been testing games on many online casino sites in order to prepare honest reviews about gaming operators.

Article source:

Easy Wedding Photography at SF City Hall

What do we mean by “Easy Wedding Photography” and how is it accomplished? Why even try to make it easy? Easy for who?

I decided to write this San Francisco city hall blog post in response to a very common concern among engaged couples looking for a wedding photographer. These types of concerns are especially prevalent with grooms:

Will wedding photography dominate our day?

Are we going to have to do a lot of silly poses?

Is the wedding photographer going to be difficult to deal with?

Will we feel uncomfortable during the formal shoot?

Will the wedding photographer listen to our concerns or suggestions?

It is going to be super expensive to have our city hall wedding photos taken?

Notice that most of these VERY common questions do not have anything to do with the quality, quantity or cost of the wedding photos. Yes, you would think that our clients would be more concerned about those types of issues. After all, isn’t that the most important thing? We all want great photos and lots of them for a low price. Oddly enough, however, we receive a great many emails and calls asking questions that are more related to how the shoot will go and what will be required. I recently almost lost a wedding booking because the groom decided that he didn’t want to go through with hiring a professional city hall wedding photographer. His main concern was feeling that it would be uncomfortable to pose for pictures. After some reassurance that I would strive to make the photo shoot “easy” the couple went ahead and booked. This is a common occurrence with grooms and even sometimes brides. We all want memorable San Francisco city hall wedding pictures, but are we ready to put in a little work to accomplish it? This is the sole reason, we try to make our San Francisco city hall wedding photography as easy as possible for the couple. We want them to not only remember the great time they had through their photos, but was also hope that they have a good time during the process. I have seen some San Francisco city hall wedding photographers mention that it is very important for the bride and groom to be fully engaged and involved in the picture taking. While this partially true, there are some couples who just want great wedding pictures without working for them. Easy City Hall wedding photography is the right approach for these types of couples.

Keeping Wedding Photography Comfy

So it is obvious that this is a valid concern among our clients. Who wants to have no fun on their wedding day? Who wants to spend the entire day taking wedding photos? With a few exceptions, the answer is nobody. Most people want to have brilliant wedding photos with a small amount of fuss and time spent. Is this realistic? The answer really depends upon the expectations of the couple. Consistent with this same topic, many of our engaged couples let us know that they want mostly candid photos on their wedding day. I always let them know that we are happy to provide them any type of photography coverage that they prefer, but I am also quick to point out that San Francisco City Hall weddings may not have as many candid moments as a typical wedding would have. There is no dancing, no cake cutting, no toasts and often times no guests. This means that some of the candid photos need to be set up in advance. When these couples are attracted to our website by our pictures, we have to admit that many of the photos were set up and posed. My feeling is that a balance approach is really the answer.

Creating Candid Wedding Moments for the Camera

As mentioned above, the candid wedding moments at SF City Hall need to be created by the photographer in most cases. We do this by asking the couple to walk hand-in-hand throughout the building and interact as though they were just going on a city hall tour. We even have a fun trick which involves the couple walking hand in hand, but moving about in a playful manner. The photos that come out of this are always fun and different. Plus they look very candid. But obviously not all of the photos can be walking shots. We mix it up and have the couple interact in other ways as well. We even might sit them down on the Grand Staircase and just have them goof around together and talk. Some of our best images can be born out of these contrived situations. Keep the wedding photography easy and you will end up with great final images! The point to this blog post is that as a couple, you should feel comfortable telling your San Francisco city hall wedding photographer the type of coverage you want and need.

Michael Dubnoff is a leading San Francisco city hall wedding photographer with over 1,800 weddings creatively photographed

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What Dog Training Should Every Dog be Given Besides Being Trained to Sit on Command?

This article outlines 4 of the training that every dog should be given besides Sit on Command. This includes Speak, Quiet and others. It includes toilet training, incessant barking, jumping on you and scratching of your furniture.

There are many things that you can teach your dog, ranging from the basic sit command to many complex tricks. But, what dog training should every dog be given besides the sit on command ?

Of course, the kind and amount of tricks that you want your dog to perform is dependent on each individual.

However, there are some dog training which every dog should be given.

They are mainly related to behaviour rather than tricks. They are

  1. Potty Training

This is the basic toilet training that every dog should be trained. After all, you would not want her peeing and pooing all over your house, am i right ?

Toilet training can be further divided into indoors, that is within the house where you have set aside a demarcated area for her or outdoors when you bring her for walks.

  1. Incessant Barking

Another training is essential for every dog is to train them not to bark incessantly. Every dog will bark, especially confronted with strangers. However, you have to train them on when not to bark. Talk to them and try to find out the motivation for barking and to calm them down.Houston dog training

If the barking is due to attention seeking, you have to reward him with your attention and treat when he stops barking at the Quiet command. This presupposes that you have already taught her the speak and quiet commands previously. Conversely, withdraw your attention when she continues to bark and keep repeating the quiet command firmly until she stops barking.

  1. Jumping on you

Your dog probably jumps on you every time you comes back from outside. It is actually showing her love for you and of course seeking your attention. However, you need to train her not to do that. One of the easiest way is to turn your back on her and walk away until she stops jumping. Try this a few times until she gets the message that jumping on you is not an acceptable behaviour and will not be rewarded.

  1. Scratching at furniture

The final training that every dog must be given is scratching at your furniture, carpets and cushions. The reasons for these are varied. It could be because she wanted to dig up slivers of dropped food. She could also be attracted by certain smell or just her innate nature to fluff up the place before lying down. Sometimes, she could be anxious or in some cases, she is too full of energy. This is so especially when she had a long period of rest.

Whatever her motivation, you certainly wouldn’t want her to damage your furniture. One simple way to stop her from doing this is to distract her from her scratching behaviour. This could either be getting her favourite toy and throw far away and ask her to fetch. You could also break her behaviour by asking her to perform other cued behaviours.

How do I get legal work experience?

Getting plenty of law work experience is vital if you want to become a lawyer – it’ll help you to develop the required skills and learn whether it’s the right career for you Law tutors.

Organize informal work experience with high street legal firms before going to university. This could be a couple of weeks spent work shadowing a solicitor and carrying out general office duties. Placements like this, arranged independently, look good on applications for law degrees.

During your studies apply for formal work placements. These include vacation schemes at law firms, which take place during academic holidays, and mini-pupillages in barristers’ chambers.

Other ways of gaining useful experience include undertaking pro bono work (advising and representing people on a voluntary basis), court marshalling (sitting with a judge for a few days) and getting involved in your university’s law or debating society.

‘There is also the online platform Forage, which provides valuable work experience as well as a certificate of completion that is recognized by many law firms,’ says Keith. ‘ ‘Citizens Advice is also a great way to develop your soft skills, they provide fantastic training and give you the opportunity to help members of the public overcome difficult circumstances.’

How to Cure Depression or Home Remedies for Depression

Depression is an illness that engages body, brain and thoughts. It is not a physical weakness that will disappear within days but it’s the state that obstruct with the every day chores of life consequential in poor presentation or output. It gives increase to an unenthusiastic feeling for each and every thing. It may also be distinct as allergy, which triggers a sad reaction. It may be due to affecting or mental stress and strain or due to high eating of antibiotics Medicaid. From time to time anxiety also results in depression. It also arises out of the monotony and drudgery of an every day schedule without any meaningful variation in urban life. The major threat in tremendous cases of depression is suicide.

Home Remedies for Depression

-Depression remedy – Combine some fresh Rose petals to a cup of boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon sugar it and drink at whatever time feeling depressed.

-Make an excellent mixture of 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg powder and 1 tablespoon of recently extracted Amla juice. Take this combination three times in a day. This is one of the excellent natural remedy for depression.

-Licorice tea is supportive depression treatment. No more than 3 cups of tea should be used per day of licorice tea. This remedy is extremely helpful and one of the easy home remedies for depression.

-5HTP is a substance extracted from the seedpods of the plant known Griffonia simplicifolia. It produces serotonin in the body and cooperative in relieve depression. This is one of the helpful depression cures.

-An Apple eaten with milk and honey is extremely superior to uplift a mood. First-class home remedy for Depression.

-A neutral immersion bath for one hour on a daily basis is also supportive in the depression treatment.

-The root of asparagus is helpful in the treatment of depression. 1 or 2 grams of the powder of the dry root of asparagus can be taken once on a daily basis. This is one of the first-class natural remedy for depression.

-Lots of yogic asanas like sarvangasana, shavasana, halasana, paschimottanasana, shalabhasana, vakrasana, bhujangasana and pranayamas such as kapalbhati, bhastrika are extremely helpful in the depression treatment.

-Get ready a tea by adding 1/4 teaspoon tulsi and 1/2 teaspoon of sage per cup of hot water and drink this tea two times in a day – extremely helpful home remedy for depression.

-Relaxation and meditation are as well successful measures in the depression remedy. The most excellent technique of relaxation is to practice shavasana or the dead pose. Meditation involves training the brain to stay fixed on an exacting external or internal position. Mediation helps to make balance in the nervous system. One of the successful home remedies for Depression.

-Diet has a profound result on the cure of depression. So, the diet for depression that individual should be well balanced as the single nutritional deficiency can aggravate the circumstances.

Need Legal Help in Finding A Good Lawyer?

Do you need legal advice? Are you looking for someone to stand in your corner and fight for you? If so, you probably need to consult with a lawyer. Choosing a good lawyer and working with one you trust isn’t always easy. But with the tips shared here you should be able to find a lawyer to fit your needs.

If you’ve never needed legal representation, finding the right attorney is difficult at best. However, it needn’t be so hard. When you know what you’re doing, the activity is easy Law Tuition. Read the article below for some great information to help you find a good attorney, and leave your legal troubles behind.

When you are hiring a lawyer, make sure that there is a discussion about the payment plan that you want to instill. Sometimes, you may not have all of the money upfront, so you will want to workout a monthly plan that suits you comfortably. Get this done ahead of time so you don’t have to worry about it later.

A good tip if you’re thinking about hiring a lawyer is to listen to your gut when it comes down to whether or not you’re going to hire that person. Your lawyer is going to represent you in court, so if your lawyer seems unscrupulous, it’s going to fall back on you.

A good tip to keep in mind when hiring a lawyer is to be very wary of any lawyer who seems more interested in getting paid than winning your case. There are many unscrupulous lawyers out there who will try to get you to pay a contingency fee, or even get you to mortgage your house.

Do not pick a lawyer because you saw their ad on television or on a billboard. Many big firms that can afford this type of advertising use lawyers that are fresh out of school for most of their cases, but charge you for the experience held by its highest lawyers.

Use Google to your advantage when it comes to hiring a lawyer. Look for reviews about any attorney you are considering. If the general consensus is that the attorney you are interested in is lazy and incompetent, you should do your best to look for another attorney to handle your case.

If you have been charged with a crime, are in an accident or think you need legal help, you need to hire a lawyer. The amount of time that you wait to make this decision can be a critical factor. You want to have someone on your side that knows the law as quickly as possible.

When looking for a good lawyer, it can be very helpful to ask friends and family for their recommendations. It seems as though there is a law firm around every corner, so referrals can steer you towards a great lawyer. Even if they do not specialize in your type of case, they can recommend someone like a colleague to you.

When meeting with a prospective attorney, ask him or her who you will primarily be talking to about your case. In some situations, lawyers give part of their caseload to a junior associate. If you feel you really connect with a certain attorney, suddenly finding out you will be working with another person may be quite upsetting. These feelings could be exacerbated if you don’t get along with the other person, too.

When it comes to choosing a lawyer, always trust your instincts. Do you feel like he’s trying to sell you something? Does he seem like he lacks competence? Does she seem nervous? If you feel uncomfortable believing what the lawyer says, so will a judge or jury, so move on.

If you attend a consultation and the attorney guarantees a win, you should leave right away. A great lawyer knows there aren’t guarantees, and the ones stating otherwise are selling themselves. This is a red flag to look out for when hiring a lawyer.

Try to find a lawyer that has a high percentage of cases with the situation that you are dealing with. For example, if you are going to court for tax fraud, you will want someone who specializes in this sector or at least has a lot of experience under his belt. This will help maximize your chance of victory.

Don’t hire the first lawyer that you meet. You should meet with a number of lawyers to get an idea of how they operate. This is the only way that you will find one you are comfortable with. Don’t ever settle for a lawyer that doesn’t make you feel comfortable or you’ll regret it.

If you find a divorce lawyer and they seem very excited about making your ex “pay” for everything they have done to you, look for someone else. While you may have revenge in your heart, your lawyer is supposed to think straight at all times. Being biased is not a good work ethic, even if it is in your favor.

Once you have made the decision to hire a particular attorney, ask if the office employs a legal assistant who could work with you. Many times a legal assistant has the ability to effectively represent a client. This shared arrangement can greatly reduce the full cost of your legal representation.

Remember that you are not the only client of your lawyer. While you may think you should control their time as your case is hugely important and you’re paying their salary, think again. The lawyer has to divide their time between all of their clients, so give them a break.

Checking out the reviews of the lawyers you want to hire, are any called a “bulldog?” If there is any such reference, it is likely that same attitude extends to their clients. You don’t want to have to deal with such an individual, so look for someone reputed to be a smart debater instead.

Before you go out and hire a lawyer, you must think over how much time and money you’ll have to invest in them. Also, think about lost wages due to the time you may need to be away from work. You have to take all financial aspects of hiring a lawyer into consideration. Do not be afraid to “shop around” for the best price.

Now that you know a few things about finding an attorney, you can begin the hunt. Use these tips wisely, and you’ll have no trouble finding an attorney who will serve you well. Share what you’ve learned with others so that they too can easily find legal representation when needed.

5 tips to win at online poker like a pro

Many Venezuelan players are attracted to casinos and real money online poker sites by the promise of big wins. When you see poker superstars, many of them Latinos, who are their own boss, win thousands of dollars, and travel the world, it is not difficult to be attracted to this world play77.

What novice or amateur players don’t know is that online poker, like any other profession or discipline, requires a deep and genuine commitment to learning everything related to it.

Becoming a professional online poker player is not for everyone. Most of the time, you only see the glamorous life of poker players, but not necessarily what it takes to get there. It is essential to have certain qualities and skills to make money consistently, and this could easily scare away many enthusiasts. However, everyone is capable of becoming a professional online poker player .

That being said, here are five important steps you should take on your path to success within the world of online casinos and virtual poker.

  1. Research so you understand the game

If you want to know how to become a professional poker player, you have to understand what you are playing. If you want to test your luck at Texas Hold’em, you must understand the rules of this version of poker, bankroll management and table selection.

If you are in Venezuela and want to win real money playing online poker, you will also need to know the best Venezuelan online poker rooms available.

Before you start, talk to other professionals. There are millions of low-level poker professionals who make a living with small but constant prizes. Not everyone is Daniel Negreanu, who earns 10 million dollars a year, but his knowledge will help you understand if you have the makings of being a pro poker player.

Whichever game you choose, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of some key poker concepts:

· Extract hands.

· Combinations of hands.

· Ranks.

· The odds of winning.

In addition to the concepts mentioned, there are others that any poker professional, who researches and understands the game, knows. For example, Game Theory Optimal (GTO). It is a complex poker strategy that helps other players make mistakes and helps you generate profits.

  1. Practice makes perfect online poker

Do you want to understand how to make a living playing poker? It all comes down to practice. Online professionals earn a large amount of experience, equivalent to the number of hours spent playing the game.

Additionally, you can enhance your experience by playing more than one table at a time. Start by playing two or three tables at a time, and then slowly increase the amount if you feel comfortable.

Practicing several hours a day, and playing the demo version of online poker or at low stakes, can help you increase your winnings. That’s because you will be able to put into practice all the winning poker plays that exist, and the most effective strategies.

  1. Choose to use winning poker plays

This may seem obvious, but it is important to know how to choose winning poker plays to be considered a professional. Poker is all about tipping the odds in your favor, and with the right strategy this is easier to do.

In Hold’em, start with an aggressive strategy and play the premium hands strongly when you are in position. Only opt for marginal hands when you are in late position, while paying attention to your opponents.

Some online poker sites allow you to use a HUD (Heads-Up Display) such as Hold’em Manager or Poker Tracker 4. These are valuable tools in a professional player’s arsenal. You can keep track of your opponents’ pre-flop raising percentage and how often they put money in the pot.

There is a wide variety of online poker plays that will allow you to win. You must practice with each of them until you can use it naturally and tip the balance towards you.

  1. Manage your financial funds correctly

Sensible bankroll management is vital to learning how to be a professional poker player. You will need an investment fund large enough to handle the bets. However, you will also need to have enough in reserve if you have a long losing streak.

If you are going to play cash poker games, have enough money to make consecutive bets. If you want to participate in online poker tournaments, you will need between 50-100 buy-ins so that you can open several tables and buy back if you go bankrupt.

Remember to play responsibly. The state of your financial situation depends on you always being calm so that you do not gamble uncontrollably chasing losses. Set limits on your bankroll so you don’t exceed your gaming budget.

  1. Learn to identify the best poker games

It is important to choose the right poker variant for you. Texas Hold’em is the most popular version of poker and is available online and in physical rooms. Determine what you want to play before you start. If you are an impatient player, you may want to avoid tournaments and stick to cash games.

Chemical energy – Concept, uses, advantages and disadvantages

We explain what chemical energy is, what it is for, its advantages and disadvantages. Also, its different uses and main characteristics.

What is chemical energy?
Chemical energy is the energy contained in or produced through reactions between the molecules of one or more compounds . It is the internal energy that a body or substance has based on the types of chemical bonds that occur between its components and the amount of energy that can be released from reactions between them Molecule Database.

Chemical energy (one of the ways in which energy manifests itself in reality ) is always associated with matter and manifests itself when a modification occurs in the chemical bonds of the atoms and molecules that compose it. This can occur in the presence of heat sources or other substances with which an exchange of particles occurs , which generally produces heat , light or other forms of energy derived from the reaction.

Thus, chemical energy is a form of potential energy contained in chemical substances . These substances, once they participate in a reaction, are transformed into other usable forms of energy. This is how, for example, the combustion processes of gasoline and other fossil hydrocarbons operate .

The use of this form of energy may be relatively new in the history of humanity, but not in the history of the world: since ancient times, life has taken advantage of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, among other processes of obtaining energy, to take advantage of the chemical molecular potential of matter.

What is chemical energy used for?
According to the Principle of Conservation of Energy, energy can be transformed but not created or destroyed. Furthermore, chemical energy is a form of potential energy that can be transformed into other forms of energy that have practical applications in human life, such as light , thermal , kinetic energy , etc., to carry out work.

For example, gasoline is used to convert chemical energy into kinetic energy, when we use it to move a vehicle, such as a motorcycle.

Advantages of chemical energy
Chemical energy has the following advantages:

It has high performance. Large amounts of matter are not required to obtain energy from its molecules.
Allows you to modify the matter. These chemical reactions not only produce energy, but also different types of matter that in many cases can be used to obtain new materials.
Allows you to take advantage of waste materials. Bioethanol and other biofuels are formed from organic matter that would otherwise decompose uselessly.

Disadvantages of chemical energy

On the other hand, chemical energy can present certain drawbacks:

Presents byproducts. Many times they can be polluting substances, as in the case of fossil fuels that expel toxic gases into the atmosphere .
Requires constant inputs. Since they are exhausted after the chemical reaction (maintaining the rate of chemical consumption or combustion requires more organic matter to feed the reaction).

chemical energy of food
The foods we consume daily are an ideal example of chemical energy and its use. These foods contain different organic substances necessary to provide energy to our body, such as fuel for vehicle engines.

These organic substances are decomposed in our body to obtain glucose (C6H12O6), the molecule whose oxidation during cellular respiration releases large amounts of caloric energy (calories) to keep the body functioning. Excess glucose is converted into fat: a reserve in case we need it later.

This is an example of the use of the chemical energy of glucose contained in food to produce mechanical energy (moving, standing), sound (speaking), electrical energy (the electricity of the neurons that allows us to think), etc.

Examples of chemical energy
Some examples are the following:

Fossil fuels . Gasoline, diesel, and petroleum-derived fuels are made up of sequences of carbon- and hydrogen-based molecules whose bonds can break in the presence of oxygen (combustion), thus violently releasing large amounts of energy.
The foods we eat. The glucose contained in food is oxidized in our body and by breaking its bonds we obtain a useful caloric load to maintain the body’s energy.
Bioluminescence. Many living organisms have the ability to produce light with their bodies, which is known as bioluminescence . That light energy comes from the chemical energy stored in their bodies.
Space travel. Space rockets work by the controlled reaction between various substances with high chemical energy (hydrogen and liquid oxygen, generally) that are converted into enormous amounts of kinetic energy.

Positive Training and Traditional Training

An extremely controversial issue in recent times is undoubtedly the two aspects that prevail in the world of dog training; the so-called “positive” training and “traditional” training.

There are many articles that can be found on the Internet talking about these two types of training and, generally, the only thing they try to achieve is to sell their method by demagogically criticizing professionals who use the opposite. This less than honest attitude can lead to misunderstandings among readers, especially those who are more profane in the matter Dog trainer spring Texas.

From Los Guardianes we want to present our point of view on the subject in a humble and objective way, without intending to criticize and offend other professionals and colleagues in this beautiful canine world. To do this, it is necessary to briefly explain some of the knowledge in conditioning and ethology:

Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning
Classical conditioning is based on the association of stimuli. The example used to explain it is Ivan Pavlov’s demonstration: that of the dog that salivates when it hears a bell.

The sound of said bell is a neutral stimulus that will be conditioned. With repetitions, Pavlov associated the sound of the bell with food, which is an unconditioned stimulus, which in turn provokes an unconditioned response in the dog; salivation. Once associated, the dog, upon hearing the bell, began to salivate in anticipation of what he knew would come, the food. Salivating before food is presented is the conditioned response.

EC -> Bell (neutral)
EI -> Food (biological stimulus that causes a reflex response)
RI -> Salivation (reflex response)
EC + EI -> RC -> Salivation without food present

Another example is the dog’s nervousness when we pick up the keys or put on our jacket to leave home. The keys or the jacket are completely neutral stimuli that by themselves do not provoke any response in the dog. On the other hand, the fact of leaving induces the dog into a state of nervousness, what we call an unconditioned response. But after several repetitions of doing the “ritual” of taking the keys and leaving, the dog comes to anticipate knowing that whenever we take the keys, we leave. Therefore, there comes a time when hearing the sound of the keys and seeing that we take them, before we even go out, the dog already shows that nervous behavior, which would be the conditioned response.

When loading the clicker, a device that when you press a metal lever emits a sound, and used by many trainers who work in positive, we do it through classical conditioning, since we will associate the sound with something pleasant for the dog, food. This way, every time the dog hears the clicker sound he will know that there will immediately be a reward.

Operant or Instrumental Conditioning
Operant conditioning is based on the dog learning through the consequences caused by its responses. Basically, within operant conditioning we find four consequences known as:

1. Positive reinforcement, if the consequence of the response the dog gives us is to give it something pleasant, whether it is trophic, playful or social reinforcement.

2. Negative reinforcement, if as a consequence of the response the dog gives us we take away something unpleasant.

3. Positive punishment, the consequence of the response the dog gives us is to apply an unpleasant stimulus.

4. Negative punishment, if the consequence of the response the dog gives us is to take away something pleasant or avoid giving it something pleasant.

It is worth highlighting the famous Thorndike’s Law: the consequences that imply something unpleasant for the dog tend to be extinguished while those that imply something positive and pleasant for him tend to repeat themselves.

Three Useful Tips to Find the Best Tattoo Artist

Tattoos are for a lifetime, so choosing the best tattoo artist is not a decision that must be taken in a moment. There are different things that you must consider while selecting a tattoo artist. This article highlights some of the most important aspects that you must consider before you choose the best tattoo artist in Fayetteville, NC.

It can be a tad difficult to find a good tattoo artist if you are unaware of what to look for or where to start. However, it is not as difficult as it seems. The key lies in finding an artist that is right for your job. You can search online sources for good tattoo artists and parlors. You can begin to narrow down your search by considering online reviews and word of mouth. Finding a tattooed person, by an artist of your choice, is a great idea as you can personally check the work of the artist, the prices, and other aspects tattoo shops.

Some Other Important Tips to Consider

Previous work and portfolio

A peek into the previous work speaks volumes about the artist. Before you choose to be inked, check the portfolios of the artist. A specialized tattoo artist has the proficiency to blend colors well. Minute details such as thin, crisp, and clean lines make a huge difference in the work of the artist. When you are confident in the ability of the artist, you will feel more comfortable getting a tattoo.

Hygiene and cleanliness

Tattoo artist needs to maintain a high level of cleanliness and hygiene by using disposable needles, gloves, pots, and so forth. No matter whom you choose for your tattoo, never compromise on hygiene, as it could prove dangerous. Poor standards of hygiene could cause infections, skin diseases, HIV, Hepatitis A, and blood poisoning. The tattoo studio must be sterile and clean. Check if the artists and staff clean the surfaces, dispose of needles and other stuff after every customer is inked. Some artists display hygiene certificates, which is a clear indication of their professionalism and high standards.

Awards and accolades

Professional and talented tattoo artists often win multiple awards, which is a clear sign of their expertise and skill level. It also proves their popularity as most of these awards are won with public votes. A good number of popular artists are busy and you might need to pre-book the artist to ink you. It is wise to be organized so that you can book in advance for professional services.

Finding the best tattoo artists in Fayetteville, NC, who meets most of these criteria, is not always possible. However, you need to consider some of the most important aspects, such as cleanliness, expertise, and authentic reviews before you choose to ink your body. Remember, tattoos are mostly for a lifetime. It is essential to choose a good artist and studio so that you have tattoos that you love to flaunt. Apart from the abilities of the artist, the hygiene standards of the workstation must also be well above par when you choose a tattoo artist.

5 tips for choosing the right security system for your business

The following month the National Holidays are celebrated, which leads to a greater economic movement than other months, due to the high demand for purchases and consumption during those dates. Therefore, when we have a commercial business, one of the main concerns, if not the biggest, is the safety of our property and collaborators security companies.

Safety is one of the most important aspects to consider when running a business, as it protects assets and workers from potential dangers. It is therefore essential to choose the ideal security system to protect the company or business.

It is important to take into account the different levels of security offered by the provider, as security systems can vary in their level of complexity and the amount of protection they offer. Santiago Barranzuela, Security Manager of the EULEN Peru Group , comments: “Some may include physical protection features, such as alarms and cameras, while others may incorporate more technology, that is, integrated security.”

Many business owners want to implement mechanisms prior to dates, where there is a greater influx of people in the premises, as well as continuous income and outflow of money. Given this, the specialist of the leading company in the market for comprehensive solutions, security and auxiliary services, shares five recommendations to implement to prevent robberies or thefts.

Identify security needs
Assess the level of security you need and the specific risks your business faces. For example, if the company is dedicated to retail trade, install surveillance systems to protect products from possible theft. If you are handling confidential information, place a restricted access security system to keep that information safe.

Consider the technology
An important aspect to consider when choosing a security system is the technology it uses. For example, security cameras can transmit real-time images over the Internet, allowing you to monitor the business from anywhere at any time. Additionally, some systems have facial recognition and motion detection capabilities that can alert you to potential dangers.

Choose the security system according to the type of business
The use of video surveillance cameras, spy cameras and even infrared cameras, through a Closed Circuit TV, will give a clear picture to take care of your business. Likewise, the anti-theft system will identify each item of clothing or product in the premises that wants to be stolen, activating an audible and visual alarm; and this is just an example of the benefits that electronic security systems can provide.

Perform maintenance of security systems
It is advisable that preventive maintenance of the cameras and other equipment that is part of the security systemd be carried out every 6 months in order to Don’t lose camera footage or stop ringing an alarm.

Train workers
It is essential that workers have talks, training on theft prevention and more, so they will be one step ahead and know how to approach customers who show suspicious behavior. Take into account that not only will personnel or property be protected, but the collaborator will be enriched with knowledge.

To end; It is important to highlight that the five tips outlined can be addressed correctly by an appropriate provider. That is why it is advisable to consult an expert in security systems: a formal company that can evaluate the needs and recommend the appropriate security system for the business, considering technology, equipment maintenance, staff training, among other points. With this, the company and/or business concentrates on the activities inherent to the operation of its organization.